Tates quick to tilt his face up with the grasp he had on his chin , the other hand grasping at Ian's hip tightly as he kissed deeper ,took control of the kiss and made Ian breathless


" how the hell did that little guy kick kurt fucking landis's ass ?", Mandy scoffs out as they left the gated whearhouse, her hips swaying side to side as she strutted in her walk

" we make anything in my fight ?", lip asks around the cigerete between his lips , lighter in hand before turning around to yell a thanks out to the gaurd outside the place

" Nah , nobody wanted the odds ", Ian shakes his head at his brother , hand clasped with tates as they walked beside one another

" what'd you put down ?", lip raises a brow at Ian , making the red head raise a amused brow

" what ? On the fight that you lost ? Nada.", Ian shakes his head , stretching his arms out slightly as they walked , causing tates arm to fall over Ian's shoulders " faternal loyalty doesn't extend to stupidity , bud ", he joked with a grin , causing lip to crouch down playfully and Ian let's go of tates hand to do the same as he faked play fighting with his brother , lip pulling the cigerete from his lips and standing straight before Ian turns and holds a hand out to tate

Tate chuckling , placing his own cigarette back between his lips as he walked past Mandy and to Ian , taking his hand in his and tilting his face up with a finger until Ian took the cigarette from his lips with his own covers  and he leans down to place a small kiss onto the red heads lips as they walked

" so mickeys out soon , yeah?", lip asks , Mandy taking her space back between Ian and lip instead of walking on the edge beside tate to answer

" in a about a week or so , If he doesn't stab anybody else ", she shrugs , gaining looks from lip while Ian shared a look with tate over the new information " plastic fork, barely broke the kids skin , but it brought him 30 days "

" you gotta be looking forward to having Mickey home again ", lip guesses , gaze going straight over Mandy and into his brother

" I guess", Mandy mutters with a odd tone , not really seeming to care about the subject

Tate grins though , eyes flickering down to Ian as he tried to keep a careless look on his face and could only shake his head " threesome ?", tate whispers under his breathe to Ian , Ian's facial expression almost breaking and he nudges tate , leaning up to place a kiss on tates jawline

" hey , I wanna stage another fight night next week ", lip starts as he stops , pulling some rolled up cash from his pocket and handing it to ian as he spoke around the cigarette between his lips " go around to the dojos , round up some more scrappers, alright "

" sure . Where you going ?", Ian raises a brow , leaning back a bit against tates chest , watching as lip started to walk away

" Karen's "

" thought you gave up on that ", ian calls out after him , only causing lip to grin when he turned back around as he walked away

Ian rolled his eyes at his brothers response

" Karen Jackson ? After that thing with your dad ?", Mandy asks with a look of disgust

" I'm sneaking antibiotics into his toothpaste , just in case ", ian sighs as they turn around , begining to walk in the opposite direction if lip

Mandy smiles , skipping a step and grabbing Ian's arm , ignoring the way tates gaze moved onto her for provably the first time that day , face black of emotion

He only pulls Ian closer into him after Ian playfully slaps Mandy away


Fluttering kisses were placed over Ian's shoulder , the couple cramped up on Ian's bed as they lay on their sides , Ian's beck to tates chest

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 19 ⏰

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