The usual liaison for the subgendered had gotten sick suddenly and she had been called in. She was going to be the person in charge for kpop sensation Stray Kids. She had listened to a few songs in preparation and had to admit she liked them. Or she would have if she hadn't known going in that they were all subgendered. They had received the breakdown. 3 alphas, 3 betas and two omegas among them. Being around them was already terrifying to her and yet they weren't due to arrive for a couple hours yet.

"Are you going to be ok, Cass?" Johnny asked gently.

"My wolf is just very on edge about all this." She answered softly, though her wolf didn't talk to her, she could feel how agitated she was. "I can do this, right?"

"You can definitely do this." He reassured her. "I know you are scared but I will be right there if you need me. I won't let any of them touch you."

"Thank you, Johnny. You don't know what that means to me." She gave a weak smile to him. Taking a deep breath she stood. It was time to get to work. She headed to the kitchens to organize the snacks and drinks for the group and oversaw every aspect of the preparation. She heard the group arrive for their soundcheck but didn't meet them. She wasn't ready yet. She would meet them before the show. As her heels clicked down the hallway she caught a whiff of amber and sandalwood and breathed it in deeply. She had always loved that combination of smells. Her favorite candle had that scent. She smiled, her nerves relaxing a bit. She could do this.


Jeongin paced down the hallway repeatedly running his hand through his hair. This was a horrible time to have a rut. They had a show that night. He just needed to make it through the show and then he could lock himself away and ride out his rut in solitude as always. He didn't know why his rut was hitting early. They purposely planned their shows around their cycles and made sure to give themselves breathing room around them. But the second they had hit this city early that morning, his rut had started itching at his spine and making him far more aggressive than normal for him. During their sound check he had even growled at Minho. MINHO? Who the fuck growls at Minho? He had never done that before. He had never growled at any of them for that matter. He had even snipped a bit at Felix. That was when Chan had snapped and had to be restrained from taking Jeongin's head off. Felix had calmed the situation down and sent him off to cool off. The smell of the other two alphas was setting him off so he had been glad to escape their scent and as he stalked down the hallway, he smelled a whiff of honeysuckle that reminded him of summer weeks spent at his grandmother's house. It calmed him.. Chan's ocean and Minho's coffee usually calmed him, knowing his head alpha and pack hitter alpha were always ready to step in front of any problems. Now however, it was triggering something primal in him but this scent and memory eased something in him and yet made that itch stronger. What the hell was happening to him?. He had been pacing the hotel hallway for two hours. He turned and started back up the hallway only to pause when he spotted Changbin leaning against a wall watching him.

"How you doing, Innie?" He asked softly.

"Fine." Jeongin growled out. He inhaled slightly but the beta's leather and paper smell didn't bother him. Instead it was as calming as Changbin's scent always was.

"Ruts a bit early, isn't it?"

"Yeah." He paced past Changbin and felt the other man's eyes follow him in his pacing up and down the hallway. On his third pass, Changbin fell in step with him. His hyung didn't talk, just paced with him. Two more trips up and down the hallway and he was ready to blow. "I don't understand!" The words burst out of him before he could even fully think them. "I'm two months early. That never happens to me! I mean Lix sometimes has his heat early but that's always when hyung starts pre rut. And Minho and Sungie are cycled up so one of them triggers the other but me? No. Never."

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