Chapter Seven - Love Song

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"Oh, be my once in a lifetime."


It was finally cold enough in Texas to don a jacket— the worn leather thing that had seen Javier through his stint as a Laredo Sheriff, and throughout his time in Colombia. He shoved his hands into its pockets, retreating from the guest house and sauntering toward his truck.

He was spending less and less time at his father's ranch as the weeks flew by, oftentimes staying the night at Mia's, wrapped around her warmth, forcing himself to wake up before dawn, dragging himself away from her to make it to the ranch in time for his morning rounds.

He knew his father had noticed, it was impossible not to notice the emptiness of the guest house, the absence of his truck in the driveway. He had yet to say anything to him, though the knowing grins he flashed Javier when he caught him pulling up to the house at the crack of dawn were enough for him to surmise that his father knew far more than he was letting on.

Interesting that his meddling had quieted down right as everything between him and Mia heated up.

Heated up was probably an understatement.

He was in deep, fully drowning in the serene pool of her presence. Serene, when she wasn't actively driving him insane— knowingly, no doubt. More often than not she walked around her house in nothing but a pair of tiny panties that did little to cover the generous expanse of her glorious ass, the only thing covering her upper body one of his button ups, or a ratty t-shirt that slipped down her shoulder, revealing the smooth, tanned skin there, inviting and warm, seemingly salacious even though he saw her naked multiple times a day, night, any and every time he could. He would try to take her bent over the kitchen table, on the counter, up against a wall in the living room, but she would tut at him and breeze past, crooning out a teasing "later, Javier," while her hips swung in a maddening motion that made his mouth water. She always gave in to his advances, eventually, after leaving him hard and desperate for a few hours, her personal form of retaliation or perhaps just plain entertainment. It's not like he could complain, he was with the girl of his dreams after all.

He was almost to his truck, his mind already crafting delicious scenarios of how he could postpone their date by a few hours— if he could really call drinks at Reyna's a date— when a low whistle stopped him in his tracks. His dad, coming in from the stables, peeling a pair of gloves off his weathered hands and tucking them into his back pocket.

"Talk to me for a minute, hijo," his father called out, wobbling to clear the space between them.

Javier exhaled sharply, but complied, meeting his father halfway between the stables and his truck, his eyes briefly flickering to his watch as he did.

"How's it goin'?" his father asked, rather vaguely, though his brown eyes did glimmer with knowledge.

Javier shrugged, massive shoulders rolling up and down, "Everything is fine, pop."

Fine was an understatement, but he definitely didn't want to stand there and discuss his ravenous sex life with his father, especially not while he was itching to head over to Mia's and fuck her right there in the entryway.

His father chuckled, a low thundering sound, "Deja de ser humilde, Javi," his father leered, perceptive eyes flickering over his face. "You've got the whole town talkin' about you two."

He did know that. It was impossible to keep anything hidden from Larga Vista's busybodies. Not that they'd done much to keep their relationship hidden, not when he picked her up from the school most days, unable to hold himself back from kissing her right there in the parking lot, not when his truck was parked outside of her house nearly every single night.

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