Chapter 1

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The crisp autumn air swirled around Cathrine as she made her way through the bustling London streets. Her long, chestnut hair danced in the wind as she clutched her coat closer to protect herself from the biting chill. Despite the winter's impending arrival, there was a strange warmth in her heart as she thought about the evening ahead. It was the night of the grand opening of her art exhibit, a culmination of years of dedication and passion. She finally had the chance to share her intricate, fantastical paintings with the world.

As Cathrine reached the art gallery, she felt a surge of excitement and anticipation. The vibrant colors of her artwork adorned the walls, transporting viewers into whimsical realms of imagination. She could hardly contain her joy as she greeted her friends and supporters. The room buzzed with laughter and conversation, and for a few blissful hours, Cathrine was blissfully lost in the magical world she had created on canvas.

However, the jubilant air of the evening took a tragic turn as Cathrine stepped out into the dimly lit alley behind the gallery. In her revelry, she failed to notice the shadows that lurked in the corners. Without warning, a sudden gust of wind sent a metal sign hurtling towards her. Time seemed to slow as she turned towards the impending danger, her eyes widening in terror.

In an instant, everything went dark. The world ceased to exist, and Cathrine was enveloped in an eerie stillness. It was as if she had been ripped from the fabric of reality and cast into the void of nothingness. In that timeless space, she felt an inexplicable sensation of weightlessness, as if her very essence was adrift in the great unknown.

Suddenly, a blinding light pierced through the darkness, beckoning her towards its warm embrace. It was a light unlike any she had ever seen, radiating a sense of peace and familiarity that resonated deep within her soul. As she moved towards it, an overwhelming sense of calm washed over her, and she found herself enveloped in a comforting embrace that transcended the boundaries of mortal existence.

When Cathrine's eyes fluttered open, she found herself standing in a place that defied all logic and reason. She stood in the lush, rolling hills of the British countryside, a place she recognized from her favorite childhood stories. However, this was no mere memory or dream; the vibrant colors, the gentle breeze, and the scent of blooming wildflowers were all too real. She struggled to comprehend the impossible nature of her surroundings when a soft voice filled the air, speaking with a hypnotic cadence that seemed to resonate within her very core.

"Welcome, Cathrine," the voice whispered, its tone both soothing and enigmatic. "You have been granted a second chance, a new beginning in a world of magic and wonder. Embrace your rebirth, for you now walk the path of destiny."

As the mysterious voice spoke, she found herself unable to tear her gaze away from its magnificent, luminous countenance. Even though she knew she should be terrified by the revelation of her supernatural heritage, her mind had been freed from all worldly cares and concerns.

"Do not fear," the voice continued, beckoning her deeper into the woods. "You are home. Here, I will show you the wonders of our world."

"How are you? Where am I" Cathrine stammered as she tried to gather her bearings. "Who are you?"

The voice chuckled softly. "My name is Kate. But please, do not think of me as a friend, for there is little time. Your death was not supposed to happen yet. But fate has chosen another path for you. This new world we share will grant you a second chance at happiness. Please follow me..."

Cathrine followed Kate through the darkness, her footsteps echoing against the cobblestone pathways. After what hours they came to a stone wall with a door. A silver doorknob glimmered in the faint moonlight.

Kate placed a hand upon the ancient oak, a feeling of overwhelming warmth emanating from the tree. Within seconds, the solid door slowly creaked open.

"Come. Let us see where we can send you to make up for our mistake."

A beautiful man dressed in white robes appeared in front of them. He smiled as he looked at Cathrine.

"I understand your hesitance, but please let me take care of you. I promise I will treat you with the utmost respect and never ask anything more of you than you are comfortable giving. You are my only concern right now. You are important. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to live a life of abundance. The future holds endless possibilities. You are needed here."

"What is your name? What is this place?" Cathrine asked timidly.

The mysterious man stepped closer, looking deeply into her eyes. "My name is Reginald. We call ourselves The Guardians of this sacred place. Come with me and I will explain everything."

They walked down the hallway until they reached a room with numerous bookshelves, each bearing dozens of spines and dozens more dust jackets. A small office that was over flowing with files and parchment covered every available surface. There were three desks, each holding a large metal box sitting on top of an electronic display. Two shelves held jars full of clear liquid, and several vials sat atop one of the tables.

Reginald retrieve a files from the mountains of paper. "Ah, Catherine Rain. 20 years old and life cut short by an unforeseen event. And is now eligible to be reborn into a world of her choosing." He handed the file to Cathrine.

"Now Miss Rain where do you want us to send your soul."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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