
- Third Person POV -

"Chan!" Seungcheol's destressed call was evident as he looked down at Chan's yellow hat. "T-They must have fell!"

"They must be close! I'll try to get down!" Seungcheol took a step forward only to be stopped by Wonwoo.

"Wait, you might hurt yourself too!" Wonwoo grabbed Seungcheol's shoulder.

"I'll be fine..." Seungcheol gave a cold look to Wonwoo.

"There's a safer way to get down there. It's just a 10-minute walk!"

"I said let go, Wonwoo!" Seungcheol yelled ripping himself away from his hold.

Without warning Seungcheol climbed down the steep edge as if it was a habit before the jumped to the ground.

He took hold of the yellow hat.

- Seungcheol POV -

'Chan... Han...'

I looked up through the rain into the dark forest.

'They couldn't have gotten far with weather like this.'

I got up and ran as fast as my feet could carry me.

'This forest... How many years has it been?'

'It's surprising that I still know my way around. I was sure that I'd forgotten by now.'

'It's just as dark and lonely as it was back then...'


I stopped in my tracks coming to a realization.

"What if they were following the signs?" I moved my hair out of my face and looked around. "Is it possible that they somehow made it to that place?"


- Third Person POV -


A thunderbolt struck in the sky going feral.


A tree somewhere in the forest fell.

Chan shivered closing his eyes as he moved closer to Jeonghan wanting to be in his arms for comfort.

"Chan, are you okay?" Jeonghan asked seeing Chan wipe his tears.

"Yes! I-I'm not scared of stupid thunder!" Chan sniffed.

"Come here. It's alright. You know, I was afraid of thunder too." Jeonghan gave a painful smile.

"N-Not me! I'm the bravest!" Chan exclaimed puffing out his chest.

"Mhmm, I know that you're really brave."

"T-That means I'm not allowed to cry." Chan held back his tears.

"Is that so?" Jeonghan kept a soft hand on Chan's head.

"Yes! It's bad!"

"Well, I think it's okay to cry. I'm a grown-up and I still cry a lot."

"B-But Papa said that if Chan's happy then he is too. That means if I'm sad..."

"Oh, Chan is that what you're worried about?"

"You know I cried in front of your dad for almost an hour once. Do you know what he said?" Jeonghan gulped.

"W-What?" Chan was curious.

"He said that I was doing great and that it's normal to be scared or sad sometimes. It doesn't make us any less brave, got it?"

(~A: Damn... I want someone to tell me that right now.)

"R-Really?" The tears Chan held back trickled down his cheeks.

"Absolutely!" Jeonghan smiled once again and opened his arms for Chan.

"I-I'm scared of thunder and chickens! I get sad every time Papa leaves! Chan is tired of always trying to be happy! I want to spend time with Papa too!" Chan bawled his eyes out falling into Jeonghan's arms.

"M-My Mama..." Chan cried and cried. "I really miss Mama... S-She's not coming home, is she? How come no one talks about Mama anymore?"

"Oh Chan..." Jeonghan cradled Chan close to him. "Have you been keeping all this to yourself?"


Jeonghan's eyes shot open, and he looked forward.

Seungcheol found them!

"Y-You two..." Seungcheol let out a shaky breath of relief. "I can't believe I finally found you."

"Cheol!" Tears surfaced in Jeonghan's eyes at the site of Seungcheol.

"Papa!" Chan cried.




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 884



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