ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 81 {TᕼE ᗩᑎTIᑫᑌE ᔕTOᖇE}📠

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Why isn't there a type writer emoji?

A tax machine ain't cool looking ^^ ew brother.

Finding emojis to use in my chapter titles is getting harder. Like I think I've got the hard part done by writing a chapter, jokes on me.

I'm being dramatic lol.


⚠️How would you feel if Y/n left Bonnie's toys to become a lost toy? ⚠️

Nothing is set in stone yet I'd just like to know my reader's thoughts :)

Enjoy the chapter :)

Y/ᑎ ᑭOᐯ

After a lot of running we make into the little town. The streets are lit with lampposts and glow over us as we pass through the streets, heading towards the RV park.

We sneak around and stay close to the walls of each closed shop because who knows if anyone is up and about, the sun is starting to rise. I follow the cowboy who's holding Forky as he ducks behind a lamppost and then hides behind a plant pot. Weaving our way through to finally see the RV parks sign right up ahead.

"Forky, look. Bonnie's right over there." I smile pointing to the neon sign above a few old buildings.

"Hurry!" The little fork gasps excitedly, wiggling out of Woody's arms. It's all going to be okay! We share a happy look as we go to follow dorky, but in the corner of my eye I see the cowboy halt sharply. Turning I see him run his eyes over the ground we're soft spots of light dance on the pavement. It's been a long time since I've seen something that created such a delicate light pattern. Back when we were Andy's toys over in Molly's room. Back when Bo...

I slowly move further, reluctantly looking over my shoulder, and passed the frozen cowboy. There in the window sits the nostalgic lamp with the little lambs decorating the green and blue fabric, emitting the spotted glow. A deep feeling rushed through me, one I haven't felt in years. One that I wished and believed that I'd never experienced again.

Dread, jealousy and heartache.

No, am I crazy? Once Bo had left, Woody chose me. I would love to know how Bo is, of course I would. She's was so wonderful to me and she trusted me, I just never thought we would possibly cross paths again. She's not currently on the lamp so she may not actually be here, maybe she was separated from the lamp a while ago. Right now we need to head back to Bonnie, maybe we can check this out later.

"Woody, we've got to get Forky home." I speak up to the cowboy he seems to be in a starstruck state, gazing at the lamp and it's light. But he doesn't really respond, he just hums and steps closer to the window, the light glossing over his eyes and his pupils expanding.

"Huh? Woody?" Behind us I hear a confused Forky, now finding out that Woody is distracted. "What's he doing Y/n?" Forky waddles up to my side and pulls on my hand a little, in the direction of the RV park. Together we walk up behind the cowboy waiting to see what he is going to do. Deep down I am hoping he turns around and decided snows not the time, I feel like I have so much to loose right now. All my peace is crumbling and that lonesome feeling is bubbling again inside of me. If Bo comes back into our lives, I may not be so important anymore, I don't know if I can cope with that again.

"Bo?" Woody utters so quietly, a tone he only now uses to express my name and looks behind and passed Forky and I to look at the RV sign before looking in front again. Much to my dismay and nervousness Woody heads closer to the store, approaching the big double doors and peaks inside the glass. All I can see is a dark interior, all closed up and our nervous expressions reflecting right back at all, all for different reasons.

TᕼE ᔕᕼEᖇIᖴᖴ'ᔕ ᗪEᑭᑌTY {Y/n the Everything Doll}Where stories live. Discover now