"You look like you could use a drink," I muttered as I stepped away from the desk. "Come, I have some tea brewing." Angel looked hesitant but followed me. "Did you think about my offer at all?" 

"Husker said you're trustworthy," he stated almost inaudibly. 

"I make my deals as fair as I can," I agreed. 

"But I don't know what I can give you," Angel argued as I took him to the library's little break room. The kettle whistled as we walked in and I prepared a tray. 

"Cream? Sugar?" I asked instead of answering. 

"Er...sugar please." Angel eyed me suspiciously. I pulled out a couple of tea options before I sat down and sat the tray between us. 

"Please, sit." 

"You're far too nice to be from down here," Angel grumbled as he took his seat. 

"What can I say? I'm older now. Not nearly as ruthless as I used to be," I shrugged into my cup. "So, you thought over my deal, yeah?" 

"I did." 


Angel stared into his cup. His gaze was haunting as they glazed over with dread. I guess whatever he went through recently was a new low he never experienced before. I gave him time to think while I sipped on my brew. Hell, I waited this long. What was a few more minutes? Carmilla ghosted the doorway and stared at the two of us. Her ruby eyes glowed with silent questions. Some form of recognition flit across her features as she settled her gaze on the spider. However, she stayed quiet and watched.  Angel must not have felt her presence yet by the way he ignored her glare. 

"I would do anything to get out of this contract. ANYTHING. What can I give you that would be considered a fair price. Please, please! I want to free from this! I want my soul back." His eyes filled with unshed tears of a broken soul. I glanced between Carmilla and Angel. It was as if she were trying to dare me to do something stupid. I could not have the foggiest idea as to why. 

"You will owe me a favor," I said flatly. Angel stared at me exasperated. 

"That's all? A favor? That's all you want?" Angel barely believed me. "What's the catch?" 

"No catch. I will get you out of your contract, but you will owe me one favor of my choosing. You can keep your soul. It's useless to me." Angel's jaw dropped to the floor. 

"What's the favor?" 

"You'll know when I go to cash in," I said simply. Angel gulped as he stared up at the ceiling. It was as if it had all the answers to his questions by how intently he stared at it. 

"What the hell, why not? I'm already fucked." Angel held out his hand. "You gotta deal." 

"Then a deal it shall be," I agreed and shook his hand. My light blue chains bound our hands tightly together in agreement. The deal had been made. Now it was time to really have some fun. I smiled sweetly to the spider. "I need you to show up at the casino later tonight with Valentino. If anyone else comes, that's fine, but I need him there. Do you understand me?" Determination cemented Angel's gaze. 

"Done," he agreed. 

"Then I will see you tonight." He gulped but agreed and walked out of the room. He stared at Carmilla for a long second before he continued out. Carmilla glared at him with disgust. 

"And what favor are you going to ask for? An orgy?" Carmilla hissed at me. The displeasure evident on her face amused me. I smiled into my drink. 

"Jealous, are we?" I chuckled. I set my cup aside. "No, nothing like that. I do not use people for their bodies. I would like to think you thought better of me." A smile teased on my lips while she gave me a flat expression. 

"You gamble?" She asked instead. 

"Only with what I'm willing to part with," I stated. "I do like more than just books you know." 

"Full of surprises, aren't you?" Carmilla asked coyly. 

"I would love it if you came with me." My offer seemed to intrigue her at the least. "I will be doing some business at some point, but other than that, I would be all yours." 

"Like you aren't now?" She quipped. She had me there. My head tilted to the side. A small smirk curled up my lips. 

"Think of it as a date," I recommended. "A reason to dress up and go out for a night instead of staying in." The proposition enticed a hum out of her. I finished my cup as she thought over the idea. 

"I cannot tell you the last time I went on a date," she proffered. 

"Neither can I." 

"Well, I think I would love to go on a date with you. Even if it is at the casino." My eyes glowed at the idea. "What time?" 

"Say seven?" 

"I'll pick you up then." Her grin was similar to a cat that caught a canary. I was ecstatic. "I'll let you get back to work. I should let the girls know I will not be home tonight." With that, she twirled on her toes and walked away. My chest bloomed with warmth at the very idea of a date with her. I guess I really did have a bleeding heart for her. 


Carmilla's POV 

I glared into my closet for the right thing to wear. There were so many options. My daughters laid on my bed as I picked different ones. Each one was quickly rejected by the two. I growled when they said a resounding 'no' to the fifth outfit I had picked out. 

"What do you expect me to wear? A sack?" I snapped at them as I threw the bodysuit aside. 

"Maybe you should try some color," Clara suggested. "You do look great in red!" Odette nodded her approval. I rolled my eyes as I looked back in the closet. 

"I do not own anything in red," I regretted to inform them. "I only own black, white, and steel." 

"Clara, don't you have an outfit she could try?" Odette recommended. Clara was quick to jump off the bed and scurry to her own room. I glared at the retreating figure. Figures that Clara would own a more colorful wardrobe. It fit her even brighter colored personality. I crossed my arms as I sat on the bed next to my eldest. Her bright colored hair was tied back and allowed her horns to poke through. 

"Do you think it was a mistake to agree to a date with Astra?" I asked almost inaudibly. Odette stared at me bewildered. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I don't know. It really has been so long since I have decided to date anyone." I waved my hand as I tried to find the words. "It just seems like she is too...perfecta. Too hermosa. Brilliante. What could she possibly see in someone like me? "Seguro que hay alguien mejor." Odette slapped my arm to take me out of my thoughts. 

"Mom, you deserve this!" Odette berated me. "You have been alone for far too long. You deserve someone like Astra! She cares about you!" 

"But why!" Carmilla groaned. "Why care?" 

"Maybe because she sees the amazing woman that you refuse to see." Clara said flatly as she walked back into the room with a red dress. "Try this on and go enjoy your date!" I stared at the red outfit with hesitation. 

"Is this really a good idea?" 

"Yes! Now put it on and go get your date before I drag her here and make her take you!" Clara clarified as she threw the garment at me. A small smile curled on my lips as I aimed for the bathroom to change in. 

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