BloodArt: how it started

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(After recap) Uzaki running *clank*, *clank*, *clank* (whisper)Uzakiii (stops) *breathes heavily*.
Takes out his phone to check the time (14:45) [2 pm]

Uzaki: *knocks* Hello... hello Nana, Nana it's Uzaki!

Nana: oh(says with a shaky voice) , is that my little Kuno

Uzaki: No Nana it's Uzaki, Oseni Uzaki your grandson

Nana: oh yes, your father sent you, everything is upstairs the last door to your left. I made you cookies, fresh from the oven

Uzaki: *sniffs* Mmm don't mind if I do..

Nana: *smack* work first(smiles)

Uzaki: But Nana.. *stairs creek*

Whisper : Uzakiii

Uzaki: shyt, I knew there's something going on in this house

*Reaches last step*

Uzaki: (looks to his left) what the.. *thought* Uzaki you can do this just get over there, in and out it's not that difficult(says in a scared shaky voice)

Whisper: Uzaki, Uzakiii(faded)

Uzaki: Gulps *sighs* okay let's do this

(Steps towards the door and opens it) *creek* um.. okay it's.. it's not that bad in here, just gotta grab some stuff and get outta here.. simple.

Uzaki:(Sees a guitar next to it is a guitar Case) Woaaw, that's a super Strat. In an attic.., that shouldn't be legal

(goes close to the guitar and picks it up in excitement) I'm going take good care of you(the guitars patterns on the neck glow blue mixed with white)

Koriebaky: Uzaki Oseni (says in a friendly demon smirk  voice) it's been sometime since I've seen you.

Uzaki: ah! He.. hello, it's not the time to pull shyt like this. If you don't come out now I will call the cops

Koriebaky: it's been sometime since I've seen you. Your all grown up.. and I see you've gotten so much stronger, I can smell it *deep sniff* yes.. you.. you deserve my power.

Uzaki: *turns on phone torch and turns around* (a big black figure stands infront of him looking down at him, with its wide mouth filled with large sharp white teeth and his eyes wide but small and creepy)

Ahhhh!! *Falls back* *!!CRASH!!*

Koriebaky: *walks forward* what's the matter... Kid you've never seen a coda spirit before *smiles*

Uzaki: a Co.. what.. wha.. what the hell is going on, why is this real(he thinks to himself)

Koriebaky: I'm like one of the big deal spirits, and I'm supposed to give you my BLOODArt

Uzaki: Blood!?( He says fearfully)

Koriebaky: yes blood, it's what connects us spirits to humans like you

Uzaki: like me? What is that supposed to mean

Koriebaky: see you have a powerful art in your blood a very powerful one indeed and it's connected with my BLOODArt (looks straight into he's eyes with his face only two cm away)

Uzaki: *eye's turn crystal ocean blue with a touch of green and black markings around the pupil for three seconds*

Koriebaky: there they are, the eyes of a Coda, me and you are going to become best friends *smiles*

Now kid let's get outta this old dusty place shall we

Uzaki: Wow wow wow.. your not coming with me, no way no way in hell, I don't give a shyt about this blood heart blood whatever.. I'm going home and your staying here, you can find someone else to be your co.. whatever

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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