Chapter Eighteen

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He tilted his head to the side. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I tugged on the hem of his shirt. "I thought you'd never lie to me, boyfriend. I'm sad now." I backed away from him.

He watched as I walked backward toward the gym.

"I have theories. We should talk later."

"Theories?" He asked.

I nodded. "Good ones. My place or yours?"

"I'll come to you." He said.

"Sure, I'll light some candles and cook you dinner." I spun back around and headed towards the mat. I eyed the two groups one from Belleview and the other from Dean occupying the other half of the bleachers.

"Our friends are back." I said quietly as I eyed Barrett. A lovely ankle sleeve peeking out of her shoe.

"Yeah, starting yesterday. Where were you?" Emmet asked.

"Sick." I said. "What did I miss?"

Emmet shrugged. "Beating the shit out of one another for fun."

"Oh, sounds like a great time. I'm sad I missed it."

"George didn't get to fight yesterday and he's a little bitter about it, aren't you Georgie?" Emmet brought his hands down on Norris' shoulders.

Norris jumped dramatically and pulled away. "The hell, man?"

I watched him, instantly concerned. This wasn't like George. George was playful. Giddy. Fun. Not this person before us who was jumpy and grumpy.

"Sorry, dude, I was just joking. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He grumbled and faced forward.

Emmet and I shared a look. We both knew something was wrong.

"Scared, Norris?" Martin asked from across the bleachers with a smirk.

I glanced between them.

Norris didn't even look at Martin.

Martin laughed with Stanley and Groves. "He's shaking in his boots. Look at him!"

I leaned forward to look at Martin. "What would he be scared of? Your complete lack of spatial awareness and inability to fully connect a hit with a body part? Yeah, intimidating."

"I know you're not talking shit over there, Grayson. It's really easy to talk when you've only taken on females. The only reason you beat Barrett is because you rolled her ankle."

"Well I took on Chief Mitchel so I'd say that's untrue. Rolling someone's ankle successfully is a strong tactic. Subduing your opponent? Ever heard of it?"

"Yeah I'm sure he let you win too, he's carrying you to The Chosen. He saves your life and all of a sudden he's mentoring you? I've never seen a redder flag.  Probably had to carry you in because any real skill you have is only useful in the kitchen."

"Oh that was clever, did you come up with that one all by yourself? If we're taking shots, the only real positive relationship you have is how close you've gotten to your right hand."

"Fuck you, bitch!" He jumped to his feet.

"Woahhhhhh!" Reaper yelled. "What the hell is going on?"

I pointed at Martin. "He's really sensitive about the sexual exploitation of his right hand."

Emmet smiled at me.

"Get down here, Martin." Reaper said.

I glanced down at my hands and out of the corner of my eye saw a black ebbing along the back of Norris' neck. I frowned as I stared at it, leaning a little closer to see what it was. It started at the base of his skull and carried down under his shirt.

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