But she just cried Sahil says Namit Kukreja he tried to molest Siya 

Gasps of disbelief and rage filled the air, and Virendra's eyes widened in horror.

Vansh gently urged Siya to stand behind him, and without a moment's hesitation, he lunged at Namit. 

A swift punch landed on Namit's face, sending him sprawling to the floor. 

Vansh, fueled by rage, followed up with kicks to Namit's stomach, each one a manifestation of his fury. How dare you to touch my sister? 

The onlookers were frozen, stunned by the sudden turn of events. 

Sahil, along with a few police officers who had arrived, intervened to prevent Vansh from causing more harm.

Inspector addressing Vansh Mr. Raisinghania, please calm down. It's our job to dispense justice.

Sahil pleading with Vansh Vansh bhai, please calm down

Vansh, his chest heaving with anger, finally relented, looking at Siya, who stood there crying. 

His concern for her surpassed his anger, and he felt a pang of helplessness.

Virendra, still processing the situation, was visibly distressed. 

Siya, the sweet girl he had adored since he first met her during Vansh and Riddhima's wedding, was now in a vulnerable state.

Vansh, taking Siya in his arms, left the chaotic scene, leaving behind a shaken group of onlookers. 

Sahil, watching Siya with a mix of emotions, couldn't help but feel an overwhelming surge of love, care, affection, and passion for the youngest member of the Raisinghania family.

Meanwhile, this thing is noticed by Virendra that how his son was looking at Siya and how he was so angry he smile a little thinking something in his mind.


As the days passed by slowly Siya returned to a semblance of normalcy after the traumatic incident. 

It had been 15 days since that fateful day, and the echoes of the unsettling events still lingered in the air. 

In the midst of this healing process, the atmosphere at the Mehta Corporation began to change as well. 

Siya, despite the emotional scars she carried, returned to work after just three days. 

Her resilience and determination were commendable, but the sparkle that once defined her was noticeably absent. 

Sahil couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness that enveloped her presence.

One day, as Sahil walked into the office, he noticed Siya sitting at her desk. 

The usual charm and cheerfulness that adorned her seemed to have evaporated, leaving behind a solemn aura. 

Her smile, which used to brighten up the room, was replaced by a subtle sadness that tugged at Sahil's heart.

Unable to ignore the change in Siya, Sahil found himself drawn to her desk.

He observed her quietly, reminiscing about the times when her laughter echoed through the office, and her infectious enthusiasm lifted everyone's spirits.

Sahil to himself Something is missing. Something has changed.

As he continued to observe her, he realized that the feelings he once found confusing were now crystal clear. 

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