Chapter 9 (Season 2): Home Dancing

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For the new week, the Abby Lee Dance Company would be attending the Company Dance Competition in their own backyard in Chicago and they got word that Cathy would be coming as well. There was a solo by Maddie called Reflections, there was a trio with Maddie, Chloe and Nia called Whatever I Want and the group dance was named Trapped. Also, the moms were badgering and hounding Melissa about her engagement and that sent her off the rails. Cooper suggested that Melissa call her attorney to stop the moms with a letter, which Melissa did.

That weekend, Abby, Cooper, Gianna, the girls and the moms were all walking down Michigan Avenue as they then arrived at the Chicago Marriott, which was where the Company Dance Competition was located.

Minutes later, Cathy, Vivi, the Candy Apples and their moms were arriving at the venue.

"Come on, Apples." Cathy told her team. "Let's roll and beat the blimp in her hometown! Everybody focused on what we rehearsed last night?"

"Yes." The Candy Apples dancers responded.

"Good." Cathy looked over at Kendall. "You feeling ok, Kendall?"

"Yes i am and it feels good to be an Candy Apple." Kendall responded.

"I couldn't have said it any better myself." Cathy remarked as they entered their dressing room.

Meanwhile, in the Abby Lee Dance Company dressing room, Maddie was getting prepared for her solo, Chloe and Nia were getting prepared for the trio as Brooke, Paige and Mackenzie would be getting prepared for the group.

"All right, girls, listen The stage is beautiful and it's obvious the caliber's through the roof." Abby said. "Make sure to go over the trio and the group. Maddie, concentrate on the placement of your feet."

"You do that and you'll make mince meat out of Justice and one more thing, make sure to give Justice a look of intimidation after your solo." Cooper added.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Abby commented.

"I will." Maddie told them.

"Good." Abby and Cooper stated as Maddie did one more run through of her solo before a stage hand came in and called her. She went to the stage as Abby, Cooper, Gianna, Mackenzie, Brooke, Paige, Nia and the moms headed to the audience and took their seats with the Candy Apples behind them.

"Welcome to the stage, Reflections!" Maddie heard the applause and headed on to the stage and went into her beginning pose. The music began and she started dancing, Maddie was marvelous on stage with her solo until the music ended and she did her ending pose. She headed off the stage and gave Justice a look as to say 'try and beat that' which made him look intimidated.

"Next, Keep The Faith!" Justice went on the stage and he did a good job, but it was obvious he had some flaws and at the end of his solo, he posed and headed off stage and minutes later, Maddie changed in the trio costume and ran through the trio before heading to the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, here is Whatever I Want!" Chloe came on the stage first, then Maddie and Nia next. The trio went all right, but there was a flaw from Nia at the end, then they posed.

"Mom, not to sound negative or anything, that was a disaster." Cooper admitted. "Had Paige been in the trio, that to me would have been a winner winner chicken dinner."

"You're right about that, but then again, it's in the hands of the judges." Abby stated.

The solo awards came next and the petite soloist division awards came 1st with places 10-2 going by and 1st was next.

"The 1st place petite soloist winner, Reflections!" Maddie got up and went over to the announcer to get her award as Justice was sulking as he didn't place.

"I knew Maddie would beat Justice." Melissa commented.

"She sure did, Mel." Cooper said as he and Abby grinned and in the duet/trio awards, Maddie, Chloe and Nia didn't place as Holly was cringing and backstage, the girls were now in their group costume doing a run through before heading to the stage.

"Next to the stage, Trapped!" The girls all headed on the stage and Maddie was in the prop box and then they began dancing and they did well with the group dance before the music ended, which concluded their dance and headed off the stage.

"Comin up, Ode to a Clown!" Justice, Sarah, Kerisa, Erika, Kendall, Taylor and Vivi emerged and headed on to the stage and they did good at the start, but it was obvious that something was amiss with Taylor, who had stumbled and was holding her ankle which alarmed Cathy and Nicole, who started to head backstage as a stagehand carried a crying Taylor, who was in pain.

Even though Taylor was on the rival team, the girls felt really bad for her as Taylor was sat down on a chair.

"What happened?" Nicole asked.

"I twisted my ankle and it felt like that it broke!" Taylor responded through her pain. "I can't move it! I came down and it hurts!"

"What?!" Cathy exclaimed, her eyes going wide before she called the paramedics, who placed Taylor on a stretcher and took her to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, the same hospital Cooper had his appendectomy and for the group awards, Candy Apples did not place and Abby's dancers got 3rd, which meant the ALDC was 5 and 0 against Cathy.

The next week, the Abby Lee Dance Company went to Highland, Michigan for the Energy Dance Competition and there a talent scout for the Joffrey Ballet School was in attendance and there, Maddie got 1st and Chloe got 5th and during Chloe's solo, she forgot, but kept on dancing and for trios Brooke, Chloe and Maddie got 1st as Mackenzie, Nia and Paige didn't place and the group didn't place and in the competition, the talent scout invited the ALDC to audition at the Joffrey Ballet in New York City, so they flew out to New York City.

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