chapter twelve; nonsense

Start from the beginning

We had to redo it 4 times before I stopped laughing.

"What is happening right now?" I said, acting disgusted and confused.

"I feel like I've heard this before." Walker said, looking upwards. "I think at my orthodontist office, maybe."

A colourful projection lit up the wall of the tunnel, dancing around in light spectacles.
"I know this." Walker said. "This is Hephaestus' story."

We acted out the scene just like we had ran over countless times. Then, it was time for my least favourite part of the show.

Jumping into the water.

"Okay! We can only do this once, so this has to be perfect. No pressure." The stunt director instructed.

We stood up in the boat, facing the way we were jumping. It rocked slightly, and I grabbed Walker's hand for balance. "You can't hold my hand when we do the shot, you know that May."

I blushed slightly. "I know, seaweed brain. Shut up." I responded, smiling sarcastically.

"Are we ready?" Someone called out, and we both agreed. I released Walkers hand as they counted down from five. On one we both jumped.

Subconsciously, I did grab the blonde boys hand during the jump. He squeezed it back.

We arose from the water, hand in hand. Walker pulled me up to the platform on which the golden shield stood.

"That was great guys! Okay, before you dry off, we're going to film the scene now." Dan said, allowing us a few minutes to prepare. This consisted of me trying to throw Walker back into the water after he told me that I looked pretty with wet hair.

I didn't know how he felt, but I was scared. I didn't have to pretend to have a connection with Walker, because we already had one that was bigger than the whole sky. But acting this out, revealing our souls in front of a camera, that was different. I didn't do well with feelings, and opening my heart and mind to an audience of people was daunting, to say the least. Annabeth and I were so similar in so many aspects, and talking about her emotions and her struggles was almost like talking about my own.

We laid before the statue in preparation for the scene. I was on my stomach, kicking my feet back and forth giddily as they set up the cameras. Walker looked at me and beamed.

"Three, two, one... action."

"How are we supposed to get that thing down?" Walker said, both of us kneeling now. I peered at him curiously before gazing up at the shield. I brought myself up to stand.

"These things are connected somehow. It's a machine, but how do you start the machine?" I spoke in a hushed manner. Walker glanced at me with a hint of adoration in his eyes. It took everything within me to refrain from smiling at his perfect face.

I listened carefully while Walker recited the story of the golden throne in front of us. I furrowed my brow, glancing nervously between the boy and the mechanism. "The chair is the bargain." He finally said, making intense eye contact with me. "One of us goes in, the other gets the shield."

"I'll do it."

"What, wait a minute." Walker grabbed my arm, protesting frantically. I glared at him.

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