Wooyoung scoffed playfully, his eyes dancing with amusement. "It's not like I handpicked my allergies from a menu at the doctor's office," he retorted with a grin.

I couldn't resist teasing him further. "You'd be surprised what money could do," I teased, a mischievous glint in my eye, earning an eye roll from him in response.

His question about what I liked about him now caught me off guard, forcing me to confront my initial misconceptions. "Well, I like your humor, I like how affectionate you can be, which surprises me," I admitted, acknowledging the depth of his character that had slowly revealed itself.

"Why?" he probed, curious about my initial judgment.

I shrugged, a smile tugging at my lips. "When we met, I just thought you were some alpha male fuckboy." The honesty of my admission felt liberating, a confession of how wrong I had been about him.

Wooyoung's next question, delivered in a serious tone, was so unexpected it made me laugh. "What if I told you I was a werewolf?"

"Team Edward," I snickered, playing along with his tease.

"Boo!" Wooyoung playfully retorted, his laughter mingling with mine as we continued our journey home, the miles slipping away under the wheels of our shared understanding and growing affection.


As Wooyoung and I entered the house, his arms wrapped protectively around me, I couldn't help but notice the eerie silence that enveloped the space.

"Are your parents home?" I inquired, a hint of apprehension creeping into my voice as we made our way inside.

"Nope," Wooyoung replied casually, leading me towards the screening room, "They decided to stay at a campsite, giving us the house to ourselves."

I couldn't suppress a nervous chuckle as I followed him, the anticipation of being alone with him heightening my senses. As we settled into the love seat, Wooyoung pulled me onto his lap with a gentle tug, his touch grounding me in the moment.

"What about Jimin?" I asked, turning to face him.

Wooyoung's expression remained nonchalant as he replied, "Jimin might interrupt us," his words matter-of-fact, yet tinged with a hint of mischief.
"I would be mortified if your brother walked in on us," I confessed, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks as I imagined the scenario.

Wooyoung chuckled innocently, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Why? We're just going to be watching a movie," he reassured me, grabbing the remote to switch on the large TV.

I couldn't help but laugh at myself, realizing it was my own horniness speaking. It was embarrassing, but also a little amusing. "Right," I replied, trying to shake off the inappropriate thoughts. It was definitely too early to think about that.

As Wooyoung's hand gently stroked my side, I couldn't help but notice its chill. "Why is your hand always cold?" I asked, curious.

Wooyoung, still focused on the screen, simply shrugged before his hand wandered under my shirt to toy with the fabric of my belt.

He chose a random movie on Netflix, but I intercepted his wandering hand, holding it firmly in mine. "My hands are cold," he protested, pouting slightly.

"You're such a baby," I teased, rolling my eyes as he pinched me in retaliation. "Ow."

"Want me to kiss it?" Wooyoung offered, seizing the opportunity to tease me further. "nah," I said, scrunching up my face as I looked at the screen.

My expression dropped when I saw the movie title sequence: 'John Tucker Must Die.' I turned to Wooyoung, my voice shaky. "Why this movie?"

"I just randomized it. Wanna watch something else?" Wooyoung suggested, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, forcing a smile as I nodded. "Yeah, I hate this movie."

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