"Oww!" I cried out, I feel my body sent flying through the air, narrowly missing the bedside table before crashing on the floor with a thud. Slowly, I rose to my feet, wincing as pain radiated from my side due to the impact.

"What was that?" I groaned, my hand pressed against my throbbing temple. It seemed fate wasn't quite on my side. Carefully, I approached the wall, extending my finger to touch its surface, but the electrifying shock that shot through me forced me to quickly withdraw.

Every time I tried to touch the walls, it felt like being zapped by a live wire. The barrier was electrified, creating an impenetrable force. Frustration mixed with disappointment. How did I get myself into this mess?

I took a moment to gather myself, knowing that giving up wasn't an option. I had to keep searching for another way out, even if it meant facing more challenges and risks. I was determined to find a path to freedom, no matter how difficult or treacherous it might be.

I took a deep breath, calming my nerves down as I feel a sense of droop and frustration. Okay Samantha, think. Release the pressure and calm yourself down. I instructed myself as I close my eyes. There's no fun if you let them take control. If they wanna play around, then give them a good game.

As I opened my eyes, a mischievous smirk made its way to my face. I looked back at the hammer and stride towards it. Gripping it against my palm, I stood before the drawer that were locked up.

Without a second thought, I slug where the keyhole was located. Hearing some glass jerk from the inside, making my brow form into a slight wrinkle. I strike every locked up drawer with a balance force to avoid breaking those glass that I repeatedly heard jerking from inside.

As I opened each drawer, there I saw glasses, containing different kinds of colors inside. Each one of them has labels written on its front. I picked-up one bottle that has a color blue inside, they were like a glittering dust. There's a bold hand written on the front. "Wind potion," I read aloud, making my eyes widen in realization.

"So, these are a potion.. must be a magical one," I muttered to myself as I picked up other bottles to examine. There might be something that could be helpful for me.

"There's a potion for speed, yeah I might use this one to run away," I uttered with a small smile as I look for other potions, feeling a sense of hope.

"Oh there's a potion for hallucination as well," I was so excited, looking at this things that are new to my eyes. I was like in another world where everything seems too good to be true. "And here a potion for—"

Suddenly, the door creaked open and in walked the man that I didn't expect I would see ever again, making my mouth fell apart.

"Don't waste your time, you'll just probably hurt yourself", the man said as he glimpse at the things that I discovered.

He was the one who chased me in the forest when I was on my way home. The memory of that night was still fresh in my mind, the fear, the adrenaline, the fire... The only difference now is that  he couldn't chase me anymore due to his legs being marred with burns, almost half of his body. Each step he took a clear struggle.

The sight of him sent a shiver down my spine and I instinctively backed away. He limped towards me, a cruel smile on his face. I could see the pain in his eyes, but there was also a twisted sense of satisfaction. He was enjoying this.

As the man with the burned legs approached me, his cruel smile made my stomach do some circus. I just want to crawl under the bed and out of his sight. I was like being thrown in hell because of the way he glance at me. "I guess you still remember me," he sneered, his voice grating on my nerves. His eyes were cold and calculating, a naughty smile playing on his lips, seems attached that way.

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