Chapter 8- Internship

Start from the beginning

Something seemed to click in Tony's mind. 

"Put you and the people you care about in more danger. God kid, why didn't you just tell me? I full heartily understand. You didn't have to go to such lengths for just this. I get it kid, and trust me. I won't let anything happen to you." Stark said. 

"It's not me I'm worried about." Peter said. 

"Then who?" Stark asked. Peter just went quiet.

"Well kid, I promise I won't let anything happen to you or the people you care about. Ok?" Tony waited for Peter to acknowledge, which he did with a nod. 

"Now kid, I got something I want to ask you." This made a chill run up Peters spine. Peter just looked at the man waiting for the question. 

"So, I may have looked into you a bit, and I noticed something in your files. Things about your former foster homes, particularly why you moved on from them..." Tony trailed off.

Peter stilled, not knowing what the man was about to ask him, but if Tony knew about why he got kicked out of his old foster homes, it couldn't have been good. 

"It said a lot about you sneaking out and getting into fights. Now kid, I get rebellion and all that. But is there a reason? Is it true at all?" Tony waited for an explanation and Peter's mind raced. 

"I um, yeah I used to sneak out a lot. I wasn't like I was going out to deal drugs or purposefully get into fights, but yeah. I used to um, rebel a bit." Peter didn't dare to lift his eyes to the other mans.

"That doesn't fully explain kid, were you just, accidentally getting into fights every other night?" Tony asked again. 

Peter sighed "I wanted to be stronger, since what happened with my Uncle, I uh, snuck out. I would just pick fights with people, I thought if I got some real world experience... I know I went about it wrong. I stopped! The foster homes never even cared, they just used it as an excuse to push me off on someone else." 

"And why would the want to push you onto someone else so badly?" Tony asked. 

"I'm a teenager Mr. Stark, no one wants a teenager. They eat more, hell get into fights. They never get adopted, so foster homes always know that when they get a teenager their there for the long haul, until 18. Until they age out. So I just, made myself as scarce as possible you know." Peter elaborated. 

"Well, we will certainly circle back to why you thought going out and getting into fights wasn't an idiotic idea. But for now kid, I get why in that stupid teenage brain of yours you thought you had to, be 'scarce' as much as possible." Tony, seemingly satisfied with the explanation moved on. 

"Now, Happy. To the tower. We got to celebrate. Ah ah, no buts kid." Stark said. 

So Peter just sat back quietly as he went to the tower. The Avengers were ecstatic that he had finally accepted and would be around once a week. 

He stayed there for a few hours celebrating, mostly by playing Mario Cart and absolutely demolishing them all. Then he went home and told Ms. Bea. 

She was confused to start, not even knowing that Peter had somehow known Tony Stark let alone the Avengers. Then she tried to argue against this 'paid internship' but Peter, after a lot of back and forth, managed to convince her that it was a good thing. 

A good thing to get money to help out at the home, and a good thing for his future. It would look great on college applications and resumes and alike. That was what tipped the scales in his favor. 

It wasn't what he, or the headmistress, wanted per say, but Peter was gonna have to make this work.

A Few Weeks Later

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