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There is a legend, a legend that is alive and thriving. A legend that is told from one actor to the next.

There was a forbidden dressing room, a dressing room that was built within the very walls of the theater.

It was sealed off many years ago, as strange occurrences happened within this forbidden dressing room.

The legend has it that actors that have used this dressing room have gotten harmed or even killed when they tried to use the dressing room's bathroom, as a strange, humanoid creature resided within the bathroom, lurking, patiently waiting for the opportunity to strike.

One day, the carpenters that created props created a snowman, a snowman that was used for one play but was then discarded, as the actors said that the snowman seemingly had some qualities that are normally associated with those that are alive and breathing.

When the snowman was used for the first play, the eyes seemed to move on their own, following the actors as the danced and sang around the prop.

The snowman was very eerie and ominous, making some of the actors uneasy and frightened.

The snowman scared the carpenters that created it so much that they threw the snowman into the forbidden dressing room.

At first, the snowman was placed in the first room of the dressing room, as there were three rooms that were built within the dressing room: the bathroom, being the third and last room at the end of the dressing room, the second room, which was the room where the mirrors, counters, chairs, and other things resided, as this was the room where the actors would apply their makeup and change into their costumes; the first room served as a storage unit, and also the entrance to the forbidden dressing room.

But, it seemingly moved towards the bathroom, sitting behind the tempered glass that separated the shower from the toilet, urinal, and sink.

Part of the walls and floor of the bathroom were made out of tile, shining eerily as the tiles sat there.

Part of the walls and floor of the bathroom were made out of tile, shining eerily as the tiles sat there

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Part of the divider was also made out of tile, the other section being made out of bricks and other things with the tempered glass sitting at the half way point of the divider.

The entire dressing room was mostly forgotten, as it was rarely used and extremely cluttered.

The dressing room was then mostly used for storage, never serving its original purpose.

Strangely enough, whenever someone went into the dressing room's bathroom and tried to use it, they were harmed.

It was little things at first, such as hair getting pulled, or objects flying at the individual, but then, things got more sinister.

One day, an actor decided to do his business in the bathroom.

The actor sat down, beginning the process but then, suddenly, the actor was thrown off the toilet, then slammed into the tile section of the wall. His head cracked like an egg being cracked open into a frying pan, staining the tile wall of the bathroom.

The Forbidden Dressing Room (Based On A Real Theater And Hidden Dressing Room)Where stories live. Discover now