Original Chapter Five

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You quickly walked over your next class, which was AP Human Geography. You sat your bag down at your desk and headed to the other building to the "lunchroom," which was really a hall-space between the gym and a hallway for other classes. Reaching the "lunchroom," you sat at the table rather close to the kitchen with your friends, Sam, Kathryn, Jamie, Danielle, and Tiana. On the other wall, a table sat with the visitors eating their lunch, you rather not to pay any mind, but you did wonder how Mr. DeGroot and Dr. Ludwig got there before you did. Tiana didn't waste any time to start a conversation.

"So, girls, what's new?" she whispered shouted in a humorous manner.

"Tiana," Kathryn sighed, "We literally saw each other only two class periods ago!"

"But that so much time though, Kathryn! Who knows what could happen! she could have discovered the cure for the world or-"

"Well," you interrupted, "there was something I didn't get to tell you in gym." Out of the corner of your eye, you saw every visitor's eyes shift to you quickly and back. What harm could it do if they knew?

"What woman?" Tiana shook you back and forth, getting way to excited at the possibility of gossip.

"Don't get mad at me..."


"Okay! My grade in APHUG... dropped." You noticed some of the visitor's eyebrows raise.

"What do you mean?" Jamie asked.

"Remember the last project, the video presentation?"


"I got a 1.5 out of 8 on Oral Presentation, my other grades on the other skills were fine, 6 and above, but this grade dropped my Cognitive Skills down to a 7 from a 7.6." Dell looked slightly concerned and Dr. Ludwig slightly scoffed.

"What's your averaged grade now?"

"A 92%..."

"What?" Tiana gasped, looking slightly annoyed. "That's still an A! Do you know what I have? I have a D in that class!" Scout looked mildly impressed.

"But it dropped from a 98%. That's a substantial difference and I'm really disappointed in myself..."

"Aw, poor (Y/n)," Kathryn chimed in while the rest nodded.

"What made you get a 1.5 on your presentation?" Jamie asked while you sadly took a bite out of your pizza Lunchable.

"To fit all my information in, I had to talk... really quickly. Mrs. Meadows even said that she could barely understand me."

"Well, that's not so bad. It just meant that you had too much valuable information to fit under five minutes," Jamie smiled, patting your back.

"Yeah!" Tiana almost shouted, "I wish I had that much information, I couldn't even meet the minimum time limit!"

"Heh, thanks you guys I'm going to ask today what work I can do to raise my grade before Summer...," you smiled in your water bottle.

"Your welcome (Y/n)," Tiana paused, "That'll be five dollars for the life-changing advice."

You nearly choked on your water trying to hold in your laugh. Sam slapped your back right as you noticed Soldier trying to get up while Scout and Mr. DeGroot tried to keep him down. You managed to swallow before you spit the water out.

"Why does this always happen?" You looked up and laughed while your friends joined in relief. "Why-hy-hy?"

After the ordeal you and your friends ate in silence, but that silence didn't last as you heard the visitors start their own conversation. You tried not to, but decided to listen on anyway, of course munching on (Food Choice) while doing so.

"So, how was your class Engie?" Scout asked Dell. Engie?

"Well, Ah basically went through how simple math could be... repeatedly," he chuckled.

"What about you-know-who?"

"She gave an interesting answer for whether math was hard or not. She has good intellect, what about your gym classes with Soldier?"

Soldier butt in: "They were all weak maggots, could barely keep up!" Scout tried to calm him down as he was near shouting.

"Says da man who couldn't keep up da running like me!" Scout smirked and ducked a swing from Soldier, gaining a few glances from other kids. "Anyway, you-know-who was actually ahead of everyone really well, Mrs. Pauling had a good choice." The visitors nodded while Dr. Ludwig rolled his eyes and scoffed a bit.

"What's up with you?" Scout looked over at Dr. Ludwig.

"Vell," Dr. Ludwig started, "Jou-know-who could not relax in the slightest and showed nozing of value to me."

"Yeah, maybe because ya scared her with yar touching and creepy smile," Mr. DeGroot barked a laugh and Scout and Soldier chuckled along with him.

"Touching? What did ya do Medic?" Dell looked at Dr. Ludwig, or Medic, looking very concerned.

"I touched her back, okay?" Medic scowled at Mr. DeGroot, getting a bit red in the face. Was that me? Oh God I hope not, but I'd be the only one...oh. You were slightly getting red in the face.

"Was it for the examination?" Dell asked Dr. Ludwig, starting to get a little protective of this girl.

"Of course!"

Dell was silent for a bit, a frown clear on his face: "Better be."

"Well, I thought she was a good-natured lass. Despite what grumpy said, I think she was a desirable choice, too."

"Vell, let's hope that is true. Adding her to our job is not something to mess avround vith," Dr. Ludwig concluded, before getting up, looking at you while you avoided eye contact and putting his lunch in the trash, the other visitors followed.

The bell rang as you mentally freaked out. What did they want with you? Was it even you? Are you in danger? Your mind throbbed as you threw your trash away and headed to class, not noticing your friends say goodbye to you. Once again, you felt eyes on you, but this time, more joined in.

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