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It felt like time had stopped and it was only us in the room , the man I once fell in love with , the man i was ready to spend the rest of my life with . I let out a breathe that I didn't know I was holding as I broke the eye contact . He sat at the other end of the table , and I could feel his intense  gaze on me , but I didn't bother to meet his gaze .

"Mr. DE LUCA , this is Ms. Coleman , your new business partner " one of the men said. He simply just nodded . " Our time had caught up to us but you two can still discuss things and how you are going to work around each other" they packed up their things and left . 

There was intense tension in the air and silence but no one spoke up . I packed up my papers and files and got up to leave . when I got to the door he spoke up 

"how've you been ?" i let out a long sigh 

"good , life's been good too "i nodded , not wanting to turn around and look at him."how've you been ?"

"surviving " he spoke up

"anyone new in your life?" 

"uhm yea you remember my roommate Rowan " he nodded

"we've been together for a year now " i smiled at my words

"are you happy?" those words lingered in my mind for a few minutes. I then responded with a nod 

"look at me madison" my name sounded so illegal but good coming out of his mouth. I turned to look at him , I looked everywhere else but him 

"I'm happy Alex" i said with confidence . "anyone new in your life?"

"yes , her name is Millie " i nodded , i was slightly hurt by the fact that it could've been me 

"are you happy?" 

" ye , we are looking to buy a house " wow he's finally settling down

"settling down I see " he nodded " ye i think I'm ready for that now" i nodded. i turned up to look him in the eyes , and i didn't see the playboy , fuckboy, player alex . but i saw a man .

we held the eye contact , both trying to savour the moment like it's our last. i decided to break it 

"I have to leave " i turned to leaved and when i got to the door " did you still think about me ?" he asked . i didn't respond but instead just left him there .

I got home after 25 minutes . i walked in to Rowan cooking shirtless and his grey sweatpants hanging dangerously low . i went behind him and kissed his back. and yes i am short i'm 5ft2 while Rowan is 6ft2 

he turned around " hi baby" i smiled ,he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder 

"Rowan what's going on ?" he ignored me .when we got to the couch he sat down and had me lay on his legs with my ass up his face " i going to spank you and i want you to count and if you stop i start again , am i being clear ?" i nodded , i could feel myself getting wet already . 

"i need words madi"  i chocked "yes , crystal clear" i felt a hard smack on my ass immediately causing to moan 


"one"i moaned 


"two" i moaned




"seven " i cried feeling the pain catch up to  me


"ten " that  was the hardest one . he got me off his lap and left . i curled up into a ball and silently cried . he came back 2 minutes with something in his hands . i picked me up and rub a cream on my ass , the coolness of it burned which caused me to hiss in pain, but the pain slightly disappered because of his massaging 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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