Chapter 4

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('s chapter 4)

Kaliah's P.O.V   (Neverland)

When we got back to camp the Lost Boys were sitting around the fire talking to one another.  Pan then yelled, "Boys!" They all turned to look at him and then at me. ""This," He said gesturing to me. "Is..." He wanted me to feel the blank. "Kaliah." I say in annoyance. All the boys just stare at me. Okay not awkward at all. "Introduce yourselves boys!" He says leaning against a nearby tree. There were a bunch of boys so I only remember like....six? There was: Sammy, he was probably only 13, Braxton, he looked around 10, Kaden, he was definitely older than me, Luca, I believe around 14, Eli, probably 12. Then there was creepy scar dude named Felix, he looked around Pans "age". The reason he got, 'creepy scar dude' is his nickname is because he had a long scar on his face, eyebrow to his cheek. It was really scary....

"Hello psycho killers." I say with an unamused look on my face. "Kaliah, lets not be like that," He said and the turned to face Felix. "Take her to the cage." Felix nodded and without another thought grabbed me and roughly dragged me to the direction of where I was guessing the cages. Little nervous but who wouldn't be? I was going to locked up in a fricken cage! Like a dang animal! UGH! Pan is so infuriating, I literally hate him. When we finally arrived I noticed two wooden cages lifted up in the air with another on the ground open. "Guessing that's mine?" I ask him. He nodded. Jeez this guy doesn't say anything, does he? When I climb into the cage I notice how cramped it is. Felix locks the small door that are like jail cell, just way smaller. After he leaves I think of ways I could get out of here. Then I remember something. He didn't check me for weapons!  I made sure I still had my dagger and pulled it out having an amazing escape plan.

Pan's P.O.V   (Neverland)

I watched Felix take Kaliah to the cages. I don't know why but I really want her to want to stay here with me and the Lost Boys. She could be our first Lost Girl. But I have to get her to trust me. I can tell she has some major trust issues. You could tell by how she reacted to Hook's betrayal. I mean seriously I have trust issues, but her? It's like shes never trusted anybody other than Hook. Since shes a puzzle, and I love puzzles, I will have to figure out what her past and what her life was like before she came here with Hook and his crew.

"Boys!" I shout immediately getting their attention. "Lets play a little game." I could see the excitement and determination in their eyes. "Whats the game Pan?" One of the boys named, Kaden asked. I smiled. "It's just a simple game of hide n' seek." They all shout and cheer. I see Felix had gotten back from putting Kaliah in the cage. "We play tomorrow morning!" They all cheer louder. I pull out my pipes and begin to play and they start to dance around the bonfire they had built earlier that day. I smiled against the pipes knowing the next day was going to be fun.

(The next morning)

I walk out of my hut and to the clearing so we can eat before the game but Felix came up beside me and said, "She's gone." I look into his bright blue eyes and sigh. "How? You locked the door didn't you?" He nodded. "Checked her for weapons?" He began to nod but then stopped. "Crap." I shake my head. "Seriously Felix? You didn't check her for weapons?! She couldn't have gotten that far, could she?" He shakes his head. "No Pan, I'll go look for her." He began to walk off but I grabbed his arm. "No, tell the boys I'm joining the game." He smiles. "Yes Pan."  He went to tell the boys, then I heard their excited yells. "We're going to get you my little Lost Girl." I say to myself before getting ready for the game.

Kaliah's P.O.V  (Neverland)

I ran as fast as my legs would go. I had gotten out at dawn since it took a while to cut through the wood to create a hole big enough for me to crawl out of. I decided I had ran far enough to take a break. I placed my hands on my aching knees and tried to calm my breathing. "Phew!" I let out between breaths. 

When I had calmed my breathing I started to walk. I didn't know which way the beach was so I just went in one direction in hopes I would get to the beach. I suddenly heard shouting. They must know I'm gone now. I started to run again but of course I tripped. I shut my eyes waiting to hit the hard ground, but a pair of strong arms caught me around my waist. I looked behind me to see Pan. Seriously?! UGH this guy is like a stalker or something. I tried to get out of his arms but he just pulled me into his chest harder. "Let me go Pan." I say venomously. He laughed. "Love, I caught you. I win." I was confused at his last words. "Excuse me? What do you mean, 'I win'?" Impressioning his voice when I say, 'I win'. Chuckling he said, "First of all, the boys were going to play hide n' seek today but when you ran I decided to join. Second of all, I do not sound like that." I smirk. "Yes you do." "No I don't." "Pan I swear you do." He smiled. "Well I know I can't take your word for anything because I don't sound like that." I scoffed. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." He smiled bigger. "You got a smart mouth Lost Girl." I looked him in the eyes and said. "I got more than a smart mouth Pan." He looked satisfied. Why? "Well since I won I get the reward," I lowered my head trying to think of what the reward might be, but what he said was definitely not what I was expecting. "The reward is to spend a whole day with you." I shot my head up to look at him. "Why would you want to spend time with your prisoner?" He pulls me tight against him. "You aren't a prisoner," He smiles. "Your the first Lost Girl."

(so I don't think this chapter makes much since so if you have questions just ask and I'll answer as soon as possible. Thanks!!)

Love M.M

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