Chapter Thirteen

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"Right." Xaden mumbled, finding his fingers interesting out of nowhere as he played with them. "You're not... well... you know.." he struggled to find the right words that won't offend the woman who he grew up with but barely saw in the process beside him.

"Not what?" Catalina asked suspiciously, knowing exactly what her younger cousin would ask. She didn't like it whenever he thinks that way, but she couldn't be angry either.

"You know... not embarrassed of me?" Xaden quietly asked.

Catalina smiled, "Why would I? My cousin is the Duke of Aretia and a Wing Leader. The only shadow wielder of this generation and the bonded rider of a fierce blue daggertail." She hugged him from the side, "only a fool wouldn't be proud." She grinned as she ruffled his hair.

"Stop it." He laughed. Catalina pulled away from the hug as he sighed deeply. "It's just that..."

Catalina tilted her head to the side in confusion, "What?" It's been a while since the two of them talked like this to each other.

"Well.. there's this small voice in my head that can't help but compare myself to you." Xaden lowly said.

"Oh..." Catalina's eyes grew dim. Never did she think would the time come that Xaden would compare himself to her.

"It's just that... well, you're you. Catalina Kozivar, Caldore's Lady, the Treasure of Calldyr. The people loves you, more than they love the royal family I believe." He smiled, but the smile is one Catalina knew Xaden Riorson only uses when he misses his parents, the life he had before. "If that isn't enough, you also became a Wing Leader with a signet that far overpowers Kaori's."

"But you're younger than me, and you achieved all those things too." Catalina said softly.

"It's not about that." Xaden sighed and Catalina sighed along with him, knowing real well what his point is. From the moment Xaden mentioned her status as wingleader, she knew what he is trying to say and that she have to have him say it.

"It's about how different these people view us both. Let's be honest, because of the rebellion, people will forever see me as Fen Riorson's son. The Rebellion Leader's son. Whether you deny it or not, my father's name will always come to mind first whenever people see me." Xaden said his fists clenched tight.

"But not me." Catalina smiled, placing her hands on Xaden's chin and making him look at her. "I don't see your father whenever I look at you Xaden. Also my Father, or my mother your aunt, nor does my brothers your cousins. Those kids you vouched for, the people you took in, they do not see your father. They see you." She smiled as she caressed her cousin's cheeks.

This is the same Xaden who she used to put to sleep by reading a story whenever they visit. The same Xaden she taught waltz, how to write in cursive, how to weave his very first runes, how court rules work and the etiquette. The very same boy she used to escape Calldyr for the night after his father's execution.

Time and fate was cruel to her little brother because this young scarred man is the same little boy she used to bend the rules for before.

"You, are Xaden Riorson. You may have payed for your father's so called sins, but you are not him." She started lecturing him, her voice commanding him to drink her voice, to comprehend her words.

"You are Xaden Riorson, you may have taken some of your father's traits but you are not him." She gripped his face with on hand as the other held his shoulder.

"You may carry his face, his blood, his name, and all that he's left behind but you do not carry his fault." She looked at him sternly. "You will never be rid of him, and you shall not because he is your father. And that is what he is, your father, not you."

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