Ghost :Alright...lets do this.

They walk towards the base.

5 minutes later.....
Outside SF Base ??

Ghost took a peak outside the bushes and sees the base entrance heavily secured.

Ghost :Sh*t, the intel about the base was useless, we can't get through the entrance...without alerting anyone.

He goes back inside the bushes and talks lucia.

Ghost :Looks like we have to use another entrance.

Lucia :But if the other entrance is also heavily guarded?

Ghost :What do you mean by that?

Lucia :If the entrance we just saw was heavily guarded and the intel was wrong, then there's also higher possibility that the entrance is also heavily guarded.

Ghost :...good point, the intel might deceived us.

Ghost :Alright then, change of plans...lets climb over the walls.

Lucia :How?

Ghost takes something from his inventory and he took out a batman grappling hook.

Ghost :This batman grapple gun will do the trick.

Lucia :Woah, that's from the movie...isn't it?

Ghost :Yes.

He throws the other one to lucia.

Lucia :Ok (inspects device), how does this work?

Ghost :Simple...aim it at a surface area and pull the trigger.

Lucia :Understand.

Ghost :Alright, lets go over to a wall that isn't secured.

They move to a wall to climb on to safely without alerting the guards and found one.

Ghost :Alright this wall should do. (Aims) ok aim yours too.

Lucia :(aims) ready.

Ghost :Alright...go.

They shoot they're grapple gun, and luckily it attached to the wall.

Ghost :Alright see you at the top.

Ghost gets pulled at the of the wall, followed by lucia, ghost first reach the top, sees the inside he looks back and saw lucia struggling to get on top.

Ghost :(!) C'mon or you'll fall

Reaches out for his hand, lucia grabs it and gets on top as well.

Lucia :Im not used to such devices like that.

Ghost :You will get used to it.

He looks back again inside the interior.

Ghost :Hmm...looks like that building over there is the main building.

Lucia :That's must be what the commander said about the intel.

Ghost :Let's go now, before we get caught here.

Ghost takes out his silenced m4a1

Lucia :Yeah.

She also takes out her silenced ak-12

They safely go down, and navigate through the interiors without getting spotted, on the way they kill other sf doll that may be in there way. Once they reach the building they entered without a guard spotting them.

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