Chapter 2 - Back in the past

Start from the beginning

 "You are not to mention-"

 "I can bring him back!" Istaroth shouted, cutting him off.


 "Not bring him back here. I can find and send his soul to the past with his memories intact. I-"

 "Why his? Why not mine? Wriothesley is strong, yes, but there are things that he cannot prevent while I can." Neuvillette growled.

 "Your soul is far too strong. Even I cannot just toss a Sovereign's soul back to the past. So I'll send his back instead. All he will have to do is not jump in front of that damned poisoned knife and all will be well, no?"



 That knife was poisoned?


 From what I just heard...

 I died from that, didn't I?

 And that caused Neuvillette to go on a rampage and bring Teyvat to the brink of destruction.



 I screwed up big time...


 "I will return you your mate and all I ask in return is that you let me nap for a century or two, yeah? I'm seriously tired, okay? I don't need a rampaging Sovereign waking me up when I am finally able to fall asleep." Istaroth grumbled.

 A long silence fell on, but eventually, the clawed hand was lifted off of her.

 Istaorth just jumped up as if a gigantic dragon hadn't just been crushing her moments prior.

 Then she turned to grin up at him.

 A very ominous grin.

 "So... I'm guessing he is getting banished to the couch for all eternity if you ever find out about this incident, but since he most likely won't tell you... Do you have a specific troublesome date you want to send him back to instead?"

 Before I could hear Neuvillette's answer my vision twisted and I found myself back at home, still holding the small note.

 Only now it showed a different text.

 Your husband said that if you want the relationship, you should work for it. He was totally pissed off. Best of luck and never tell him a single word of this unless you want to court disaster.

 Change the timeline as you wish! Who cares! I'm the God of Time and even I don't give a damn!

 As soon as I managed to read the last word the paper vanished without a trace.


 That is...

 A lot.


 I looked around the room once more.

 The past, huh...

 And this was way before our relationship.

 So this is what Neuvillette meant by 'work for it'.

 I have to seduce my little dragon again.


 Dear Teyvat...

 I will lose my mind again!


 It's worth it!

 And I was the one who messed up in the first place. It's already a miracle that I'm able to get a second chance.

 This also gives me a chance to at least make some things better.

 Even though I know how the prophecy works I can't really stop it and neither can Neuvillette.

 Focalors will still have to die...

 But maybe Furina's year-long on-and-off emotional breakdown can be prevented to some extent.

 That and...


 I'll have to get her sooner.

 I want to go see Neuvillette as well. Like, right now.

 But I can't just barge into his office. At most, I'll get politely thrown out.


 Let's get Neuvillette to call me over himself.

 I can do this while taking care of a few other things on my list.


 I'll meet with Arlecchino first.

 Then meet Lucine.

 Third is Furina.

 Though the sequence of these meetings can be altered.

 And if all goes well in these meetings then Neuvillette should call me on his own soon enough.

 That will also give me some time to put my emotions in order enough not to pounce on him and kiss him senseless on sight.



 Let's not panic about dying and time travel.

 I've been through worse.

 Based on the date, it's 5 days after Childe was sent down here. If I'm not wrong Neuvillette and Furina should be having a meeting with the Knave today.

 After this, there is:

 Dougier and Beret.

 Kiara getting threatened.

 Then Neuvillette sends the Traveler to Meropide.

 The Primordial Sea floods out.

 Finally, there is Furina's trial and the whole mess that came after.

 While Istaroth's note said to meddle with the timeline as I pleased, I firmly hold the opinion that I should not involve myself too much in the main conflict leading up to the last trial.

 Yes, I can get involved here and there to save a few lives and make the overall situation a bit better, but meddling too much might end up having worse effects than not meddling at all.

 Now comes the question. Should I tell Neuvillette anything?

 I want to. I really do, but...

 What can I tell him?

 That I came back in time after I died? That I know of a solution for the prophecy but even then he can't do anything about it aside from letting it happen?

 Should I tell him that in the future I came from we were mates and-



 The mark.

 It's not here cause that whole thing hasn't happened yet.

 But them...

 Why can I feel his existence so clearly?


 I walked over to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and with one swift move, made a small cut on my hand.

 The cut healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

 Now this...

 This is definitely not normal.

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