Among The Ocean

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The ocean was a fairly quiet place.

Commander, an orca known for his aggression and prowess, busied himself with swimming beneath the surface, searching the depths for something. What was that something? God knows. Maybe a new recruit, someone who was down on their luck and desperately needed a job to keep them afloat. That was the typical scenario for Commander. He was more than willing to take in any sea creature in need.

He knew he was far from the base, which he knew was dangerous to be doing. Many creatures wanted him dead for what he does; there were an abundance of supernatural enemies looking to kill him at all times. But he had some confidence this time around. It was practically empty in this section of the ocean (where that was, Commander wasn't entirely sure). It was dark, scarily so, and covered with rocks and debris from possible shipwrecks.

Nobody was around. He would be okay.

His shaded eyes scanned the ocean floor. He wasn't necessarily aware of his surroundings to the extent that he should have been, eyes trained on any kind of movement below him.

Commander was too focused on things below that he wasn't aware of the creature suddenly noticing him in their territory. Of course, it would be...very difficult not to miss Commander. Orcas in these waters were uncommon, if not unbelievably rare (and, really, if you can't see an old, fat orca swimming around, then you might need to get your eyes checked).

He grumbled. No luck. "I came out all this way for nothing," he sighed, pausing his swimming, opting to languidly swish his tail to keep him in place. "This place is completely abandoned! Had I known, I wouldn't be out here." The orca folded his arms over his chest, furrowing his bushy brows in irritation. An ominous thought formed in the back of his head, 'What if there's a reason why this place is abandoned?'

A sudden flare of anxiety formed beneath the leader's skin. That was a strange thing — a wreck of this size being dead? Usually he'd see some scavengers lying around.

...Was he in danger?

Akin to a shitty horror movie, a low growl reverberated through Commander's head, perfectly on cue.

Commander froze in his place. He had no idea what that came from, but it had to have come from behind him.

His tail twitched as he nervously turned his head over his shoulder. Unable to see anything at the angle he was peeking at, he knew he had to turn his entire body towards the possible danger.

The moment he faced his entire body towards what the source of that low noise was, he felt his blood run cold.

"Shark—" Commander choked on his words. A large figure became clearer and clearer as it approached him — it was the undeniable form of a great white shark coming his way.

He knew his kind could easily defeat a shark of any variety, but he was unfortunately the exception. In fact, this shark looked...unbelievably strong. With sharp abs, square shoulders, and hairy, defined arms, he looked like he could easily snap poor Commander in two.

Fight or flight kicked in after a solid 15 seconds of being frozen in fear, and Commander was definitely not one to fight. His heart thudded in his ears as he immediately went to flee.

He swore he heard what sounded like a 'wait' behind him, but his panic overshadowed any noise that might have occurred.

As he whipped around to swim away, a clawed hand latched onto the fat of his tail, causing the leader to let out a less than manly shriek. He thrashed, smacking the shark right in the face and broke free of his grip.

There was a sharp burning pain as he tore away, a sign he wasn't leaving this debacle unscathed. The man's sharp claws dragged a long, painful scratch down the length of his tail, definitely revealing his location even further with the scent of blood trailing behind him.

Among The Ocean (DJ x Commander)Where stories live. Discover now