Meeting the ducks and first practice

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Evelyn POV:
Me and Ken wore our hockey gear but with our figure skates since we had our hockey ones in our bags so we could show off our spinning and lifts. "So tell me about my new kids." The dude in the blue tracksuit said as we skated up to the team. "That's Luis Mendosa he's from our Miami club. A real speedster, incredible speed. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line." Mr tibbles told him as Luis started skating around. Then I heard a girl from the ducks say. "Good looking skater." "Very good looking what do you think Guy?" My childhood best friend Lester Averman added while asking the boy next to him who must of be Guy. "Shut up averman!" He said while pushing him over. "There's one minor problem." Don added. "Has a little trouble stopping." He said as Luis crashed into the wall. "I'd say so." The ducks goaly said as we skated over to help Mendosa up.

Then Dwain was introduced as he started to show off. The Julie the Cat Gaffiney and finally it was our turn. "Hey isn't that the kid from the olympics?" The man in the blue tracksuit asked "Yep Ken Wu what can I say?" Don told him as Kenny started spinning. "And that's his figure skating partner Evelyn Johnson. I convinced them that Hockey had more of a future. We put a stick in their hands and nobody has been able to touch them since." He continued as I joined Ken while spinning and we even did this lift.

" He continued as I joined Ken while spinning and we even did this lift

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"Wow." The man said as we finished. But before dean was introduced me and Ken put our hockey skates on.

While we were scrimmaging I went up to my new hockey coach and said. "Hi coach I'm Evelyn Johnson but you can call me Evie, I thought you would like to know that me and Ken are also in team USA skating so we might not be at every practice." "Oh ok but.." then he was cut off by the puck hitting mr tibbles on the forehead.

Later me and Ken went to our first skating practice. "Hi everyone I'm coach Carter and I'll be your coach." Me and Ken looked at each other and smiled when we saw that our coach will be coaching us. "Ok so I'll be working with Kenny and Evie today and I'll give you all schedules next practice. Ken and Evelyn please can you do one of your duets to show everyone how we work here." Me and him nodded and got into position.

Averman POV:
Me and Team USA minus the new members decided to watch Ken and Evie practice since I've not seen her skate for two years. Once we sat down I noticed them get into position and Wow the were amazing!! Evie may have only been skating with Ken for two years now geese they are good together. Especially with all of those over head lifts and that cool knee slide turn Ken did. But for some weird reason I felt like Adam was jealous of him.

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