Part 5.

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Weiying continue to ask Wangji what happened but, Wangji just continue to cry, making Weiying worried and insecure, Weiying just hug the Wangji, but Wangji pushed him away, and stand up and walk away, Weiying tried to stop Wangji but he failed.

That day Wangji haven't returned in the clan, nor do Weiying able to find him, there was a complete silence in Jingshi that day, but a clamor inside both, their brain and heart was fighting, Weiying heart was broken and shouting you can't lose Wangji, you can't leave your last hope, your first and the last love, you should try to fix the things, but the brain is telling, no, he left, just like everyone else, I told you, you were wrong, you're his mistake, which he will realise and rectify one day.

Heart is still begging him to try to fix everything, but his brain remaining him, how in the past he lost everyone in front of his eyes, when he tried to fix the things...

That day without saying a word, with a hollow eyes, Weiying keeps waiting for Wangji in Jingshi.

On other side, Wangji wasn't really different, he is drunk, ensuring himself, no, his heart is right, Weiying loves him, That's why... But his brain keeps repeating what he heard before...

Next morning, Wangji returned to Jingshi, Weiying was still inside waiting for his husband, 'Wangji' Weiying said and grabbed Wangji arm, Wangji stumble but Weiying hold him tight, he can't let Wangji fall in front of him, especially when Wangji never let him fall, no matter what, he never let his Weiying get hurt. Even if he's the one getting hurt by doing this he will still stand like a shield in front of Weiying to protect him, and ever since Weiying reincarnated, Wangji was always there to protect him.

Weiying slowly takes Wangji to the table and make him sit, he went and brings a wet clothe and clean Wangji mouth and hands, then slowly removes his robes and replace them with a new one's, but Wangji started crying after Weiying finished changing his robes.

Weiying cupped Wangji face in the palms and ask 'Lan Zhan... My husband... Will you tell me What's bothering you, so we can fix it.'

'You' Wangji said.

'I...? I'm bothering you Lan Zhan?' Weiying asked.

Wangji shakes his head

'No...? So who's bothering you?' Weiying asked.

Wangji point his finger to himself.

'You are bothering yourself?' Weiying asked.

Wangji again shakes his head and said 'bothering Weiying'

'No, you're not bothering me, my Lan Zhan, can never bother me' Weiying said and kissed Wangji forehead.

'Hurt Weiying'

'No, my Lan Zhan never hurt his Weiying, and will never do'

'We had, but you don't want, you did for me'

'Lan Zhan, I don't understand, will you tell me what we had and I don't want?'

'S"x, Weiying never wanted, did for brother'

'Lan Zhan, what are you saying, I don't understand'

'You had it with me cos brother said'

'Zew Wu Zun, told me have it with you? But why? And when it happens Lan Zhan, what are you saying?'

'In Guanyin temple, brother told you...'

After some deep thinking Weiying finally understand what Wangji is saying.

'Lan Zhan, how do you know about that?'

'Incense burner'

'Oh! So you think, I had it with you cos Zew Wu Zun told me to?'

'Lan Zhan, we shared a bed before your brother told me that, I went to Jiang's ancestors hall with you, and taken 2 bows, in front of my late adopted parents, I won't take any person, if I don't take it as my sole mate, I always loved you Lan Zhan. And I do things which I like, I like to have with you my husband, that's why I have...'

'And I'm still willing to have' Weiying whisper this in Wangji ear in a seductive voice.

That night when Weiying and Wangji int"mate, that was there best love making for both of them, they both shared a lot of love and emotions that night, and understanding within them becomes deeper and deeper...

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