Because Jay hasn't been here. He needs to come home. I shouldn't be sitting here thinking about me and Chazzy raising our kids alone. It was disturbing, and Ryan stood up from the table to take his mostly empty coffee cup into the kitchen. There was more sitting on the warmer, and he poured his cup half full before heading to the refrigerator for the milk. "So what are we doing today?" he asked as he fixed his coffee. "Other than sitting around and waiting on our handsome husbands to come home."

Chester was done wiping everything down. The dishes were in the dishwasher, and he already had it in mind to run it after lunch was over. He leaned against the counter as he watched Ryan from behind mixing his coffee together. Chester had to smile as he stole a peek at Ryan's exposed biceps and tight ass that looked nice in the dark jeans he'd put on earlier. Sex last night had been incredible and Chester had already placed it in his top ten sexual experiences. He'd woken up with a sore bottom and he was ready to soak in the tub later to pamper himself just a little before Mike got home. He already had his mind made up that when Mike walked through the front door, he'd be met with a clean Chester and the girls dolled up in their best outfits. He missed his husband, despite having a lot of fun the night before and even this morning. Time with Ryan was never disappointing, and everything from the petal kisses earlier in bed to sitting together as a family to eat breakfast had been good for Chester's heart. He was happy, and their household felt that way, too.

"Haircuts, remember? You're supposed to give me and Julien a trim," he reminded his friend.

Ryan turned around, his coffee in hand. "I can cut Julien's hair, but are you sure you trust me with yours? I'm kinda out of practice, Chazzy."

Chester ran his hand through his curly mohawk that was product free and flopping all over the place, creating a tangled mess. "I trust you. It wouldn't be the first time you've cut my hair."

"I know. It's just been awhile," Ryan stressed as he eyed Chester's chocolate brown curls. Before he'd been pulled into the world of Carnal Delights, Ryan had been set on becoming a hairdresser. Carnal Delights had originally started as a means to not only pay his rent, but pay for classes so he could get his barber's license. The world of the adult film industry, however, ended up being more consuming than he ever thought possible. Especially after that fateful day when Mark and Jason Wakefield had shown up with money and contracts in hand. YRS had been the final straw when it came to trying to balance learning a trade and life as Chris Suckler. And Charlie Bang.

The name popped into Ryan's mind and he instantly shook it away. Those names didn't mean anything to them anymore, and Ryan refused to get stuck on that line of thinking. Besides, he had more important things to worry about, like haircuts and a day with Chester and the kids. "What are you thinking?" he asked as he left his coffee behind to step closer to Chester. He picked at the curly mohawk, running his fingers through it.

Chester let himself be touched. "I just want it shorter and the sides need to be shaved. I know you don't get to cut hair very often anymore, but I know you'll make it kick ass. This tangled mess is getting to me, so if you can trim it down, that would be killer."

Ryan was studying Chester's hair, pulling strands through his fingers as he mentally measured them. Chester wasn't wrong. It was getting long and unruly. "Alright," he agreed before he wrapped his arms around Chester instead. "If you trust me, I'll shorten it up for you and clean up the sides." The moment Chester nodded, Ryan had his lips. His eyes fell shut as he sucked on the silver ring for a few seconds. It was enough to make his pulse quicken. "How are you feeling this morning?" he asked, his voice low as he dropped both hands to Chester's jean-clad ass.

Chester knew exactly what Ryan was asking, and he appreciated the concern. Sex last night had been passionate and wild in all the best ways, and Chester was still in a bit of euphoria from it all. "My ass is a bit sore," he admitted, because there was no reason to lie. "But it was totally worth it." He tugged on the front of Ryan's smokey gray muscle shirt, which brought their lips together instantly.

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