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TWS: ADHD, Asthma,

In the quiet suburb of Hanam, nestled between bustling streets and verdant parks, lived the Seo family. Joonho, a diligent doctor, and Yoonji, a compassionate nurse, raised their four children with love and patience. Among them were the Seo twins, Changbin and Soojin, each with their own distinct personalities.

At 14 years old, Changbin was a whirlwind of energy and creativity. He possessed a mind that raced like a speeding train, forever teeming with ideas and possibilities. Yet, his journey was not without its challenges. Changbin grappled with combined ADHD, a condition that made focusing a Herculean task and sitting still akin to caging a tornado.

Changbin's stims were as varied as the colors of the rainbow. Sometimes, he'd find solace in the rhythmic rocking of his body, a comforting motion that soothed his restless spirit. Other times, he'd absentmindedly tug at the hem of his shirt, fingers tracing familiar patterns in the fabric. At moments of intense thought or excitement, he'd spin in dizzying circles, the world blurring around him in a whirl of motion.

Symptoms of his ADHD manifested in his everyday life. Hyperactivity was his constant companion, propelling him forward with boundless enthusiasm. Tasks requiring meticulous attention to detail often left him flustered and frustrated, as if his mind were a tangled web of thoughts, each one vying for dominance.

In contrast, Soojin was the epitome of poise and grace. With a keen eye for detail and a heart as gentle as a summer breeze, she navigated the world with quiet confidence. While Changbin's energy was like a raging fire, Soojin's was a steady flame, casting a warm glow wherever she went.

Their differences extended beyond personality traits and into their academic lives. Changbin, despite his brilliance, often found himself at odds with the structured environment of school. His hyperactivity led to impulsive behavior and occasional disruptions in class. While his teachers recognized his potential, they struggled to rein in his boundless energy and channel it towards productive pursuits.

On the other hand, Soojin excelled in the classroom, her meticulous nature and keen attention to detail earning her top marks. She approached each task with a quiet determination, methodically working through challenges until they were overcome. Her teachers admired her dedication and praised her for her exemplary behavior.

Despite their differences, the Seo twins shared a deep bond rooted in love and mutual respect. They may not have been inseparable, but their connection ran deeper than words could express. In the privacy of their own rooms, they confided in each other, sharing their hopes, dreams, and fears.

Outside the confines of their home, Changbin and Soojin navigated the tumultuous waters of high school with grace and resilience. Changbin's friend group consisted of Chan, Hyunjin, Felix, and Seungmin, a merry band of misfits who embraced his quirks and celebrated his uniqueness. Together, they laughed, learned, and grew, forging bonds that would last a lifetime.

Meanwhile, Soojin found solace in the company of Yuna, Minji, and Hyejin, kindred spirits who shared her love for literature and art. They spent their days lost in the pages of books or wandering through museums, their friendship a source of strength and inspiration.

In the tapestry of their lives, Changbin and Soojin were but two threads, each weaving their own story while remaining forever intertwined. As they journeyed through adolescence, they discovered that true harmony lay not in uniformity, but in embracing the beautiful mosaic of differences that made them who they were. And in that realization, they found the true essence of family.

Changbin, with his perpetually tousled hair and mischievous glint in his eyes, bore a striking resemblance to his father, Joonho. His face was adorned with a smattering of freckles, each one a testament to his countless adventures under the sun. Despite his boundless energy, Changbin's glasses perched precariously on his nose, a constant reminder of his nearsightedness. However, he often opted for contact lenses during school hours, reveling in the freedom of unobstructed vision. Only at home, surrounded by the familiar comforts of family, did he don his glasses, a subtle nod to his roots and the unwavering love that bound them together.

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