"How would you know? You're not a psychic!"

Seungcheol stepped close to Jeonghan booped his forehead. "Boop!"

"Huh? What are you doing?" Jeonghan froze.

"Clam down Han button."

Jeonghan picked up his mat hitting Seungcheol. "Sorry, that the 'You know better than to touch my forehead' button!"

"Hahaha!" Seungcheol laughed stopping Jeonghan's attack. "But seriously there's nothing to worry about. I'll help you pack the things we might actually need, okay?"

Jeonghan pouted.

"Chan wants to have a fun adventure!" Chan exclaimed hugging Chow who was silently sitting in the corner of the room watching the show.

"Chan's right. We should remember to have fun even though we're just gonna paint some signs." Seungcheol smiled taking the mat and keeping it away. "You're not gonna enjoy your time with everyone if you keep overthinking."

"You're too 'chill' for your own good. Y'know that?" Jeonghan sighed.

"Dude! It's the reason I'm still sane after med school."

"Hmm, point taken."


And everyone arrived at their destination at the foot of the mountain successfully.

Jeonghan carried one bag after Seungcheol convinced him that everything would be okay.

"Seungcheol will be coming with Minghao's group. Jeonghan you're with me. We'll be taking separate routes." Wonwoo explained.

"There's a second route?" Seungcheol raised an eyebrow.

"Separate?" Jeonghan questioned for his safety.

"NO!" Chan firmly exclaimed with a pout as he held onto Jeonghan and Seungcheol's hands on either side of him.

"Give each other some space in a while! Sincerely, your Ex-best friends!" Jisoo exclaimed.

"Hahaha!" Seokmin laughed standing beside him.

"I don't know. Should the kid be separated from one of his parents?" Minghao questioned.

"Ming, they're not even dating." Junhui chuckled.

"Huh? They're not?" Minghao was in disbelief.

"We've decided that there should be a medical professional in each group." Wonwoo said.

"I'm a vet!" Jeonghan exclaimed.

"We just need someone who can do basic emergency care if something happens. Seokmin will be with you too." Wonwoo sighed handing them each a map as he went on explaining.

"There are two routes, and both end up at the observation deck at the very top. That'll be our meeting place. All you need to do it to touch up each sign you come across. Some will be more worn out than others so you will be provided with reference pictures. Our goal is to get back before sundown, understood?!"

(~A: The really Wonwoo would never speak this much...)

"YES!" They all exclaimed in unison.

"First group is Jeonghan, Seokmin, and Junhui. It will be led by me." Wonwoo smiled looking at Seokmin's annoyed face.

"Second will be led by Minghao. He'll be with Seungcheol and Jisoo." Wonwoo watched Jisoo and Seungcheol's fist bump.

"How about, Chan?" Jeonghan asked.

"Chan can choose whichever group he wants to go with." Wonwoo smiled.

"I'm sure he'll and to come with you." Seungcheol walked over to Jeonghan and handed him his bag. "Here's his water and some snacks."

"Right..." Just as Jeonghan was about to take the bag from Seungcheol...

"I'll go with Papa!" Chan exclaimed. "I wanna go on an adventure with Papa!"

Seungcheol smiled bending down as he hugged Chan. "Me too, son... Let's have an exciting adventure together."

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Wonwoo asked as they split up into their groups.

"READY!" They yelled.

"See you guys there!" Jeonghan laughed happily.

"Yup! The first one there wins!" Seungcheol put forth a challenge.




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It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 950



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