Burning Jealousy 18+

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The smell of spices filled the apartment. Michelle carefully stirred the chicken curry. She took one of the potatoes and tested it. It was tender and melted like butter in her mouth. Michelle nodded in approval of her own cooking abilities.

"I'm home."

Anntonia sighed as she took off her shoes. As she put her jacket and bag on the hooks, curry filled her senses. Anntonia's stomach rumbled at the stimulus.

"It smells amazing." said Anntonia, making her way to her beloved girlfriend.

Suddenly she halts. Standing in the kitchen is Michelle, which wouldn't be an unusual sight by itself. However, Anntonia's eyes focused on her girlfriend's choice of clothing. Under the black apron, Michelle was simply wearing black hots pants and a hot white tank top. Even from where she was standing, Anntonia could see the outline of Michelle's pert little breasts, free from the constraints of any bra.

Anntonia felt her hunger grow in a completely different way.

"Welcome home." Michelle greeted, concentrated on the curry. "Dinner will be ready soon so get washed up."

All of a sudden, Michelle felt arms circle around her waist. She smiled as she felt Anntonia snuggle into her shoulder. Michelle softly inhaled. Even with the strong curry scent, she could still smell Anntonia's soft perfume, which she always wore because Michelle said it was her favourite. It was like Anntonia was marking herself as Michelle's, and every time she smelt it, it brought a smile to Michelle's face.

"It looks good." softly said Anntonia.

"Thank you." Michelle returned, stirring away while she enjoyed Anntonia's embrace. "How was work?"

"Boring as usual. How was your day?" Anntonia asked, knowing Michelle had a day off.

"Not much. Just did some shopping with Rhian."

Anntonia's ears instantly perked. It was silly, but she was always jealous of Michelle's friendship with Rhian. Even though she said it jokingly, there was one time Rhian had called Michelle her wife. Granted, she and Michelle weren't going out at the time and Rhian was dating Sam, who she is now married to, but Anntonia still remembered. The memory made Anntonia irked just thinking about it.

"Oh actually something funny did happen today. Rhian went to pet this woman's puppy, but she had a burger in her hands. So when she bent down to pet it, the dog jumped up and took her burger. You should have seen it, the way she reacted. If the owner wasn't there, I'm sure Rhian would have yelled and chased down the dog."

Seeing Michelle laugh at their moment, Anntonia felt the mild anger grow hotter. Unbeknownst, Michelle continued talking about her adventure's with Rhian and Anntonia felt the monster of envy crawl from her belly. That was the last straw.

Michelle stopped when she felt Anntonia's hold tighten around her.

"Anntonia, is something wrong?"

She didn't reply. Michelle felt Anntonia possessively squeeze her, as if she was trying to pop Michelle like a balloon.

"Did you have that much fun with Rhian today?" Atsuko darkly muttered.

Instantly, Michelle knew what was wrong with Anntonia. She always knew Anntonia had a problem with Rhian, unsure where it stemmed from. Even though Anntonia would never admit it, she was jealous. The normally put together woman could act immature, feeling primal emotions because of Michelle, her girlfriend. Michelle found it rather endearing.

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