November 1st (pt 3.5, no number 4)

Start from the beginning

"Well, I don't think it was a bar, I think it was a wine and cheese tasting event? He was blabbing about it last night. He was talking about how he was stressed and how stiff he was." Narancia had grabbed one of the 'normal' magazines on switchblades and knives and started thumbing through it. Looking at the pictures, most likely not actually reading them.

"Anyways, Y/n, do you wanna sit down instead of leaning against the wall like an awkward middle schooler at a dance?" Mista chuckled as he rubbed your arm you nodded and followed him across the room and sat next to him on the 2 person couch.

"So Y/n" narancia chirped as he tossed the magazine down on the coffee table, you perked up and listened to him as he spoke, curious as to what he would say. "Saw you eyeing the games, wanna play one?" You thought for a second, looking at Mista who shrugged, he was picking a few pills of fuzz of his sweater.

"Sure, I mean, if I'm gonna be dating Mista I might as well get to know his roommate... Roommates?"

"Roommates, it's me, Mista, Fugo, and Giorno. Trish lives in the apartment down the hallway from us. Abbacchio and Bruno live together a few streets away. We all used to live by ourselves but decided to just move in for work related things, Trish isn't as involved so she lives separately, also, cause y'know, she's a girl."

"Hey Mista, does she know about our... Line of work?" Fugo chimed in, looking up from his magazine.

"Yea, also, she has a name." Mista replied, giving fugo a little sass. You couldn't lie, it made your heart flutter a little. You had gotten out of a relationship previously and this just made you smile slightly, hiding your face behind your hand.

"Sorry." Fugo said sheepishly as he returned to his browsing.

"Anyways, Y/n, how do you feel about Mario kart?" Narancia asked as he rose from the couch and and strided over to the clear cabinet, his hands resting behind his neck as his fingers laced together, as he made his way to the games he bent down and opened it, grabbing Mario Kart and holding it out as he looked back at you.

"I love Mario Kart! Although I'm not that good at it, id still love to play though!" You replied back to him, you looked at the other 2 to see if they wanted to play as well. Fugo shook his head and stood up, stretching his arms as he dropped the magazine back on the pile under the table. He waved goodbye and walked to his room. Closing the door behind him, Mista however nodded and smiled like a goofy toddler who was just offered a cookie.

"Oh no worries, although, you should know. I am the absolute best Mario kart player you'll ever meet! I never lose when people play fair. Hell, I usually win even when they aren't!" Narancia smiled after he finished talking. After his spiel he put in the game cartridge in and handed both of us a controller. He walked back to his seat, a small pep in his step.

We all had chosen our characters, Mista had chosen the basic variation of shy guy, when building his kart he seemed to prioritize handling, speed was a close second, by the end his car had looked almost as weird as Fugo's suit. Narancia had chosen daisy, well, after trying to decide between her and boo. You had obviously chosen F/p (favorite player), you had chosen them every time. When Narancia had built his bike he wanted it to be as fast as possible, and, he probably achieved that as his speed meter was almost topped off, he sacrificed handling in this as it was probably 1/20th of the speed. You had tried to make them balanced, although speed had a little bit more.

The game had started, you were player 3 so you where in 9th place, as the race had begun you started getting the speed boosts by knocking into the other NPC's, you grabbed a lucky block and had gotten a red shell. You stayed in 5th place for a little as Narancia shot off. Going along the speed boosts after getting the block, he used all of his mushrooms immediately, however when mista had gotten a blue shell he slowed down to let an npc pass, the blue shell hitting Bowser instead of him.

"Hey nara, you should totally let me pass you." Mista was just about to say something else before Narancia had thrown a red shell backwards and thrown him off, luckily for him, he had also made sure to add a little bit of acceleration onto his kart.

"Ha! In your dreams loser, your just mad at I've been in 1st all three la-" Well, he had been in first all 3 laps until you used a blue shell you've been keeping since the 2nd lap. You were in 3rd place, Mista was in 5th (he let another npc pass him so he wouldn't be in 4th, or that's what he said. You think he just sucks at Mario kart) you passed Narancia and finished 1st. You said you were bad at Mario kart but you grew up on this game.

Every once in a while, probably 2 times a year you and your siblings sat in the basement and played Mario kart, there was only 3 controllers, you had 3 siblings, since you were the youngest you were often the one to sit out. You didn't really care, you liked watching them play, besides, there was no way you would be able to beat your brother, eventually when your oldest sister moved away that's when you started playing with your remaining siblings. On weekends you would sneak down stairs and play Mario kart, practicing to beat your brother. You'd always turn it off before he found out, for some reason you kept it a secret that you were training. You didn't even know.

"Okay. Y/n. You said you suck at Mario kart. I don't know about you but I don't think that when a person wins 1st place in 4 tracks in a row. 2 cups in a row that qualifies as 'sucks at Mario kart' just admit it, you lied to lower my defense!" Narancia had tossed his controller to the side, thumping on the couch as he waved his arms around.

"I don't know nara, maybe you just really fucking eat ass at mario kart" mista replied, rolling his eyes and grinning. He trailed his hand from the controller to your wrist, surprising you by grabbing your hand, squeezing it gently, using his thumb to caress the back of your hand.

"You said you have another roommate? Giorno was it?" You asked, resting you head on his shoulder, forgetting there was someone else in the room

"Mhm, what about it?" Mista asked, holding you hand gently.

"When does he get here, I kinda want to meet him before I go home.. But what time is it?" You looked down at your phone. Seeing it illuminate your lock screen then the time '2:37 am'. "Shit. Um. This is bad"

"Whats wrong?"

"It's nearly 2:40 am. I don't have a car so I don't really feel safe walking back, I don't want you guys leaving either.. "

"Huh... I mean, you could stay here. I can sleep on the couch and you could take my bed. With your comfortable with it of course!" Your face went red, you thought about everything, I mean, you had only met this man 2 days ago.. And he was in the mafia! But for some reason you seemed to trust him, like he had an older brother vibe that made you want to protect him.

(Total word count: 2174)

November 16th | Guido Mista X F. Reader |Where stories live. Discover now