...Will Not Stay in the Fey Woods

Start from the beginning

"But it must be a mistake! Neither of us wants to be in a damn honeymoon suite," I protested, but I recognised a losing battle when I saw one.

Ivana's frown only grew deeper. "Boris," she started slowly, "I think it's best if you go home now. And that you're no longer the person keeping an eye on the vampire from here on out. I will keep him company myself for the time being."

Ivana was right, of course. From her position as the pack leader, she couldn't afford to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. If the vampire situation ended up exploding in our faces, the other werewolves would surely point out that I 'defended' Etienne at my house, that the humans believed we were romantically involved, and that the fey woods agreed with that sentiment as well. Regardless of what the truth was.

On the outside, I looked extremely biased and objectively speaking, it was best to get me away from this job. And I should be relieved about it. Who would willingly spend time with a vampire? Who wouldn't be eager to get away from a predator who hunted humans?

"Of course," I said, ignoring the way my stomach sank. "I'd rather be rid of the vampire sooner than later. But who is going to take over my job?"

Ivana shot me a stern look. "That is for me to decide and no longer any of your concern."

"I know," I said. "I just want to warn you. You know a few of them—Nathan and his friends—came to my house and tried to drag Etienne into the sunlight themselves? You can't give this guarding task to just any of us."

Ivana's frown deepened and she shook her head. "What's gotten into you, Boris? You're very concerned about the fate of the vampire."

I grimaced. Concern was far too big a word. The overgrown mosquito was a pain in the ass, but the bottom line of it all was that, in the end, he didn't strike me as evil. Even the fey forest had eventually decided it accepted him. That didn't mean I was concerned.

"I don't care what happens to him, aside from him not entering Pinewood," I said calmly. "But E- the vampire doesn't deserve to be treated poorly by Nathan or one of his friends either for an entire month."

"Boris, are you listening to yourself?" Ivana asked incredulously. "Remember how you spoke about Etienne yourself just a few days ago?"

I thought about it. A few days ago, I was willing to do anything to send the vampire packing as soon as possible, safe from things that would endanger our werewolf or human community.

The pups liked Etienne, and so did the fey woods in the end. But I wasn't supposed to feel any sympathy for him. I was supposed to know better, because I knew he was still scheming against Pinewood and the humans with his fellow vampires.

"You're right," I reluctantly admitted to Ivana. "I shouldn't be the one keeping an eye on the vampire."

Ivana's face relaxed ever so slightly. She patted my shoulder. "And I shouldn't have asked of you to watch the vampire entirely alone for a few days in a row. I won't make that mistake again. From now on out, I will assign another person to watch him every day."

"A wise decision," I pressed out. It was a wise decision. But it shouldn't have had to be made. I was supposed to be Pinewood's protector. Some protector I was.

My thoughts must've shown in my expression, because Ivana gave my shoulder an encouraging squeeze.

"Don't feel like this is a failure, Boris," Ivana said. "This is what vampires do and live for. They're predators who manipulate your feelings to get what they want: blood."

I knew Ivana meant to be encouraging, but frankly, she only made it worse. I really felt like an idiot now, despite Ivana offering me some semblance of mercy by not saying out loud what she thought was going on between me and Etienne.

I offered Ivana a wry smile. "I was toyed with, it seems."

"I don't know if you were," Ivana said. She hesitated for a moment before going on. "The fey woods chose this treehouse for you both. Not only you."

I sighed. "That's perhaps even worse. But you're still right: this can't be allowed to continue. I'll go home and leave the vampire to you. Just... make sure he gets treated well, alright?"

"He will be," Ivana replied. "Even if you didn't ask. Because nobody wants to risk open war with the vampires."

"There are a few among us who don't seem to care all that much whether they start a war," I warned Ivana again. "Keep a close eye on them."

Ivana just stared at me. Before she could open her mouth to tell me again that my concern about the vampire was inappropriate, I spoke first. "I'll be off then. Thankfully, I left the keys in the car since nobody's going to steal it out here, anyway."

I turned around and walked back towards the cabin. Ivana didn't try to stop me, nor did she call after me. I was grateful she was allowing me to leave with my dignity relatively intact. A wolf like Nathan would never me live this down, and he'd never let me forget I let myself be manipulated by a vampire.

When I reached the cabin, I cast one last glance at the closed drapes behind round windows. I wonder how Etienne would take my sudden departure, but then banished the thought from my mind. It was no longer my business.

Turning away from the tree house, I walked to my car, got in, and drove out of the fey woods alone without looking back. 

Boris and the Vampire (Legends of Pinewood 2)Where stories live. Discover now