Chapter 4: Just Another Tuesday

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(A/N: Thanks P3ar05 for the chapter name and also for the character in this chapter)

I wake up in the morning, And...We're not saying my repetitive morning routine again...
So we're just gonna skip to the going to school bit.

The bus drops me off at the bus station, so I begin the walk to school. During the walk, I think about what all my friends are doing in the club, and think: You know, I did kinda enjoy our talk about eating things you shouldn't, even though I acted kinda downright terrified, maybe I should do this kind of thing with them more often?? Well...What they're doing is still not healthy, but...What can you possibly do?


Man, it's a Tuesday...Why does it seem like bad things always happen on a Tuesday?? Maybe that's just me...


Well I guess we will see!

I finally make it to the school building and go to the classroom 303 for "Operating Systems" Have I told you I'm studying for an IT Specialist?? Oh yea right I didn't....Well now you know!

After finishing the lesson, I go to 304 for......MATH, I mean what else can I say? It's Math. it sucks.

Eventually, I make it to a more chill lesson, Music. Now usually nothing THAT exciting happens during Music class, so that's what I expect today as well, except that I notice a guy with brown hair and hazel eyes with a pair of glasses walk up to my desk and sit down.

"Hello, can I sit here?" The guy asks. "Um yeah sure I guess." I reply. He sits down, while I readjust my glasses. "So, why did you decide to sit with me, Per?" I ask. Per is one of my classmates, we don't really talk with each other that much, but there are some moments. "No real reason really, I just wanted to talk with someone today." Per explains. "Is there anything specific you want to talk about?" I ask. "Well no I don't thi- WAIT actually, have you heard of the so called: 'Grass Eating Club' He says. I tense up a little after he says that. "Um, yea I did yea." I say nervously. "Yeah, I know it's weird isn't it? Like what do you mean it's a club about eating grass?" He says bewildered.

"Per...I don't know how to tell you this, but...I'm sort of part of that club." I say hesitantly. "..." "REALLY?! I didn't expect someone like you to eat grass!" Per says caught of guard. "Well, I don't actually...Um it's kinda weird, but they don't just discuss about eating grass, it's in general about eating things you shouldn't." I say. "Wait, what do you mean you don't? Why are you even part of the club, then? Per says confused. "Not important." I say, not wanting to snitch on my friends. "Well, can I join then?" Per asks nicely. "Wait, what?!" I say caught of guard. "What? Can I not?" Per asks confusedly. "Um, I guess you can? They shouldn't really have a problem with it...." I say unconfidently.

"YAY! I can now spread my love of eating green birds." Per says excitingly. "YOU WHAT??" I say flabbergasted. "YEAH! I eat green birds." Per says excitingly. "Why green birds specifically?" I ask, still flabbergasted. "Cause that's the only bird I ever ate." Per says. "How did that happen exactly?" I ask. "Well, you see. Once upon a time, I was watching a stream and Duolingo came knocking on my window, saying that I was ignoring my Spanish lessons, then he broke my window, after that I grabbed my bat and bonked him on then head, then I started running downstairs to my kitchen, trying to get away from Duo, but he caught me first and started pecking me with his beak, after he was done with me, he threw me in the bathtub and poured gasoline all over it and then he flew out." He tells his crazy story.

"..." I'm left sitting there, shocked. "So anyway, then a magic wizard came to the bathroom and revived me saying: 'You're not done here yet' Only to disappear." He continues. "Are you sure this wasn't a dream?" I ask, starting to question reality. "Wait, I'm not finished yet, anyways sometime later, he came back for round 2, because he found out I was alive somehow, BUT I was ready for him this time, and stabbed him the second he came through my window. And then I ate him." He finishes. "You definitely sure this wasn't a dream?" I ask. "Well I'm not sure, but....he was delicious so....yea it doesn't matter, I'm joining your club to discuss this with other people." He says. "Okay, sure man." I say. "I'll find you after school?" Per asks. "Yeah sure." I say, finally ending our conversation for now.

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