The little reaper

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Your POV

I walked around the manor looking at all the paintings and art work hung up in the hall ways. They kinda take my mind off everything. I had one painting that was my favorite.

It was a family portrait of me and my father. Me in the front and his skeleton like hand on my shoulder. I held a small animal skull in my hand and I had a small smile with my hood up just a little so they can see my eyes and face.

I gave a little grin looking at it. Then one of my head butlers walked toward me. "Master death wants you in his office."

I looked at him and back at the painting. "For what exactly?"
"He wants a talk with his daughter." I sighed "fine." Then I walked down the hall and up the pearly white marble staircase. I took a left and ended up at my dads office. On the pitch black door was a skull and under it read death.

I knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard. I turned the knob and walked in and shut the door behind me. "You wanted to talk to me." "I did. You know your new partner. You two getting along?" "We don't really talk. And I was going to ask you about that. Why? Why would I need a partner?"

"This one is temporary. You won't have one forever. Once you start going on missions you too will work together. Once the 'reaper' dies you will go on your own. And take over my possion"

He turned his head a little from where he stood. He did have his back to me while he stared out the window. "Very well. Oh can I go visit the reapers in training?" He turned around fully I can tell he was shocked.

"Why would you want to go down there?" I looked up with a little smile. "I thought maybe I can see what we have and maybe it would be good to see other kids my age." He sighed "very well. You may go." "Okay." Then I left his office.

little reaper (prologue to death becomes a NEET)Where stories live. Discover now