Unprepared *Aquamarine*

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I wake up in a cold sweat, hands shaking from the dream.

"Lieutenant Aphelion."

I rub my eyes as I walk over to the door. When I open it, I find mousy-haired Shellby. Even if she's as quiet as the wind on nice days, I hear her just fine through the door.

"Shells." I grumble. "What brings you here at three in the fucking morning?"

"Urgent call from H.Q., the madam wants to see you."

I stare at the half banshee in front of me before sighing.

"Three minutes plus six, okay?"

"Me and Brett will be waiting for you."

"Must be urgent if she asked for you two as well." I mumble.

I take a quick shower, brush my teeth and get dressed. 

Veronica claimed Onyx died, so why did I feel her anger towards Citrine Black burn so fiercely?

I get lost in thought, staring at my reflection. Shaking my head, I walk out of the bathroom and back to Shellby in the living room of the apartment I've been provided with by the Grand Lady.

"You took seven minutes."

"Not nine like promised, huh?" I offer her my hand. "Where's Brett?"

"He's waiting at the doors of H.Q. already." She takes my hand. "New badges?"

"Just six, actually." I look down at my uniform blazer. "You?"

"A miracle; I acquired one."

I chuckle at that before we step into a shadow and appear at the doors of the MDT Headquarters.

"Lieutenant Aphelion!"

"Hey guys!"

Grinning, posing for a picture of recognition, I've gotten used to putting on a facade for people whenever I come here. The one I can't seem to fool is the Grand Lady, but whatever. The giant double doors are opened for me, and I continue inside, still holding on tight to Shellby's hand.

"Do you miss her?"

"My sister?"


"Oh- yeah, I do. Hard not to after all those years, you know?" I sigh.

For some strange reason, my cheeks feel warm. A little embarrassed, I assume I must be, for thinking she's talking about Onyx when they never met and it's clear only Angelina should be my main worry.

Nearly five years without seeing each other and three since we were told to cut the flare communication.

"Your sister, Onyx you said was her name?"

I nod.

"I would have loved to meet her."

"Too bad she's dead, huh?"

"A most unfortunate event," Shellby agrees. "Oh, look. It's Brett."

Up ahead, we find the son of Hephaestus working on something in front of the double doors of the Grand Room, usually only inhabited by the Grand Lady and Lord with their lackeys. The glasses he's wearing slip down his nose a bit as he continues to scowl at the mess of metals, bolts, screws and springs in his hands.

"Sargent Henderson."

He jumps, looking up at me with a worried expression before he glares at me. I laugh at his reaction, always happy to make the guy jumpy.

"Very funny, Gemstone." He insults.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." I grin.

"Damn you and your stupid good looks."

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