Chapter 17: Dinner

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Thankfully, who I assumed was Etienne's husband appeared out of the corner of my eye. He was a little taller than Etienne and Malachi and had long dark  hair that curled at the ends with slim facial features and a dark brown slanted eyes. He was obviously from Asian descent and looked like his family was rich and powerful. He was the kind of guy most omegas I knew wanted, so it was surprising to see him married to another alpha.

"Sorry for not coming in here sooner to introduce myself. I was trying to make sure I didn't burn the house down," the alpha joked as he stood next to his husband. They both could be very successful models if they wanted to. It was actually unfair how good looking they were.

"Malachi...Walker, this is Oliver, my husband," Etienne said with a slight blush. Oliver smiled at us both, his eyes looking Malachi up and down with interest before looking over me. They were curious, growing when a thought popped into his head.

"Malachi, he's gorgeous." Oliver spoke as if I wasn't in the room. It was something I had gotten used to from other Alphas when Malachi was near me and they thought I was attractive. I guess it was a sight of respect amongst alphas.

"Can you like not be such a stereotype. Hes literally standing right there. Compliment him directly," Etienne scolded, crossing his arms. Oliver's eyes were still glued to me as he shooed his husband's comments away.

"I just wanted to be respectful to our guests. Flat out calling Walker fine right in front of his alpha is a bit to flirty for my taste and I wouldn't want to make them both uncomfortable," the boy replied with a little sass. I felt my cheeks heat up from the comment, which seemed to make Malachi unintentionally grab my hand. He was such a jealous boy sometimes. I wondered if he ever thought that maybe every Alpah wasn't trying to get in my pants.

"It's fine. You don't have to be so formal with things. The only thing you'd be doing is making him jealous," I giggled. Malachi rolled his eyes at me and proceeded to tighten his grip on my hand.

"Does he get jealous often?" Etienne asked as he gestured for us to follow him.

"Yes! I mean I can't even be approached by a boy without him literally wanting to pull me away,"I replied truthfully.

"I think it's natural. Most Alpahs intentions are to make an attempt at courting you. Seeing as your entirely to attractive for you own good, I would also be extremely protective over you," Etienne explained.

"Thank you! You can't just look like that and not expect me to sit around and watch them think they can have you. You're mine," Malachi grumbled like a child. I rolled my eyes as I sat down at the dining table. I scanned the food, my stomach seeming to have a mind of its own as it rumbled.

"Quite possessive are we?" Oliver snickered.

"Their pair bonded Oli," Etienne corrected.

Oliver quickly began apologizing, Malachi stopping him before he could say the words. "It's the truth. I am possessive. Not that I can help it. He's literally the only boy I've truly ever been attracted to," he admitted. I instantly looked in Etienne's direction wondering how he felt about that. I had so many questions for him, but I was to afraid to ask. The alpha seemed unaffected as he reached for the food at the center of the table to fill his plate.

"Really? So back then when you and Etienne were roommates. You never..."

"That was...different," Etienne interrupted. Malachi seemed to share the same sentiment. There were obviously things that needed to be discussed between all of us, but there was one thing in particular that needed to be clarified.

"The relationship me and Malachi had. It wasn't like me and you Oli. Back then I thought maybe I liked him in that way, but it became more like two brothers comforting each other though a hard time rather then two people who had feelings for each other," Etienne explained. I could tell there was more he wanted to say, but it was the best way he could explain it without over complicating things.

"I had feelings at one point in time, but they faded after a while. I just...I cared for you in a different way," Etienne said to Malachi. Malachi nodded, understanding exactly where the boy was coming from.

"I was confused for a very long time about it. I thought that if I ever got to see you again that all of these old feelings would come running back and some of them did. But the more I analyzed it, the more I realized what that was...what we were. I was never attracted to you the way I'm attracted to Walker. Not to say that you aren't attractive, because you are. It's just..."

Etienne began to laugh, stuffing his face with grilled chicken. "Wow Mali, that's the first compliment you've ever given me."

We all seemed to laugh at that. I didn't know why, but it was like I understood from the eternal information I was getting from Malachi that he felt at home here.

After dinner and a lot of catching up we all set on their back patio watching the sun set. Oliver had gotten an important call about a case he was working on. Apparently I had missed the fact that he was a lawyer.

"So...what happened to you?" Malachi asked.

Etienne sat back in his seat, letting his eyes look upon the land he owned. "Well like I said on the phone. My mother got most of my letters I sent home. Somehow I convinced her that I was better off going to a regular school. Daddy dearest also feared my mother more than he hated me liking Alphas. She threatened to leave him and take everything he had if he didn't make things right with me. Our relationship is still weird, but he's more accepting of it now..." Etienne then looked at Malachi.

"...I know you told me that I didn't need to apologize again, but I'm sorry. I should've wrote you. We had gotten so close and I knew things were bad for you to. Especially with Dr. Jacobs. He..."

"Umm...can we not talk about him," Malachi said abruptly. I could feel an extreme amount of intense energy from Malachi, causing me to physically squirm in my seat. It was so angry. Fearful. Scared? I couldn't put my finger on exactly what the feeling was, but it made me want to puke up everything I had just eaten.

"Mwen dezole (I'm sorry). I didn't mean to...I have a habit of bringing up old things with you," Etienne sighed.

Malachi pulled me into his lap, comforting me through whatever he was experiencing. Or maybe it was the other way around and he was using me to comfort whatever this feeling was inside of him.

Whatever this Dr. Jacobs did to him. I needed to do something about it.

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