[DemonAngel: I like the good endings, I wouldn't mind seeing those again!]

[Viewers: 8]

"I'll go for a good ending, if I can."

[KimDokja: Oh, so you did get a new mic! Nice!]

Yoo Joonghyuk hummed in affirmation. It came through clean in the stream audio, no distortions or crackling. It wasn't the best mic by any stretch of the imagination, but after his sister goes to bed the apartment is always eerily quiet, so it doesn't need any good noise suppression capabilities. It picks up the clicks and clacks of his keyboard more clearly, crisp notes of un-timed music. Nobody seems to mind the background clatter of the keys.


Kim Dokja finds the rhythmic sounds soothing. They sound like precise taps from sturdy fingers. The lightly scarred hands move smoothly in hand came feed. He wonders where the scars came from, but he doesn't ask.

He wouldn't want anyone to ask about his scars either.


[DemonAngel: GO GO GO]

[Viewers: 21]

[DelusionalDemon7: He's never gonna make it, damn those quick-times are fast!]

[Viewers: 23]

[KimDokja: Ah, don't let her die! I like her so much. *sob*]

[SerpentSlayer is raiding with a party of 17!]

[Viewers: 40]

[KimDokja: Welcome raiders! :D ]

Several new viewers spam [SerpentSlayerRaidPog] in the chat.

[DemonAngel: Welcome raiders~!]

[DelusionalDemon7: Die die die! Kill her kill her kill her!]

[Sungoddess: Ooh, things seem interesting over here!]

[NanaFortune7: Seems like you'll need good RNG.]

[KimDokja: Noooooo don't let her dieeeee! (T0T) ]

Off-screen Yoo Joonghyuk's features are calm. With no panic at all, he manages to pick the most logical approach, hits a dodge, spams through a jamming requirement, and makes every quick-time event.

[KimDokja: YES!]

[SerpentSlayer: Good reflexes!]

[NanaFortune7: Luck was on your side after all.]

[@SupremeKing has been gifted 100 coins by @NanaFortune7.]

[DelusionalDemon7: Damn y didn't u let her die]

[WarOfGods8047: This seems interesting.]

[KimDokja: I'm so glad! Good job!]

[DemonAngel: Nicely done!]

[@SupremeKing has been gifted 500 coins by @DemonAngel.]

The time hit 2am. Already at a good stopping point, he saved and exited to the main menu.

[DemonAngel: Goodnight SK!]

[Sungoddess: Gg goodnight!]

[KimDokja: Until next time! Thanks for another great stream! You're really helping the story along!]

[End Stream]

[SupremeKing's channel has gone silent.]

Yoo Joonghyuk sank back in his chair. He wanted to ask KimDokja why he was late to the stream. He could send him a DM…. but that would be ridiculous, wouldn't it? He wouldn't be so nosy.

With a grunt he headed off to bed.




Yoo Joonghyuk sighed. Sleep evaded him until morning. He was only thankful it was a Saturday morning. No school, but he still dragged himself out of bed for his beloved sister. He was all she had, and she was all he had. He'd spend as much time with her as he could get.

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