Chapter • 11

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"Did everyone choose their Sports?" our P.E teacher asked "Yes!" Everyone shouted cheerfully, I can hear there excitement through their tones of their voices

"Please write your sports, beside your names" The Teacher took out a form and placed it on the Desk in front of her, "Please fall in line" The students quickly stood up from there seats and fought to cut in line. I sighed at them

"Bunch of Idiots" I flattened my mouth as I calmly stood up and walked to the back of the line

"Please write your name and your sports" The teacher said as I wrote my name and the sports I'm going too cooperate. "Great!" The teacher smiled as I walked out of the line and sat on my table

After everyone finished The teacher told us about all the rules and who we are competing with... "Thanks for everyone who is cooperating in this festival! You'll be competing with other teams and the class with so much wins, Wins!" The Teacher announced making the whole class hyped up

Mitsuri learned her body behind me and whispered to me "Let's Practice Volleyball Later! There might be other players too playing at the Gym" Mitsuri told me that plan and I agreed "Yey! We're going to be a great team!" Mitsuri beamed her smile "How about you Muichiro-kun?? What sports are you joining?" Mitsuri asked

"Soccer" Muichiro said, writing on his paper... "What a bummer! I was going to join Soccer!!" Someone I mean someone butted in our conversation, Muichiro looked beside him, I looked up... To see Yokai Smirking

"Too sad I joined Volleyball" Yokai glared at me. Me, Shinobu and Mitsuri froze and slowly turned into stones "Volleyball!?"

"Ah!~ Y/n! We could make a great team in Volleyball! Right~?" Yokai Asami smirked, I can see her eyes twitching. I didn't reply to her, I kept silent as I just shrugged it off and faced backwards to talk to Mitsuri and Shinobu.

"Just to think of it Shinobu-chan, why didn't you go with fencing??" I asked, Resting my hand on my arm. "I wanted to try something new" Shinobu said, then a ring can be heard from my Pocket, I took my phone out of my pocket and checked who it was... 'Tengen'

"Ahh, I'll be taking this" I said, something was off... Tengen wouldn't call me in this time

"Who is that?" Mitsuri asked as she knitted her eye brows "I–it's, Someone!" I rushed outside of the room and rested my back at the wall beside the door that leads to our room, I accepted the call

"Yes Tengen-nii? What do you need?" I whispered at the phone "xxxxx is here." Tengen spoke at the other side of the phone. I froze, I can feel my whole body starting to get cold... "You must be lying?" I stuttered "No.. They just texted me" Tengen said "O–okay... I'll be going" I said ending the call.

A World Without Demons || Mui T. x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now