I pressed a button to move my bed so I was sitting more upright. I was shaking my head, a little, since it hurt to move it more than a little. Wilmer was holding my arms down. He was hitting me repeatedly. That explained why I blacked out. I was looking for that memory in my brain, but I couldn't find it. "Why would he hold my arms down?"

Jay looked up at me, his hands clasped behind his head

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Jay looked up at me, his hands clasped behind his head. "Because he's a piece of shit that wants to end your career because you are a big fucking threat to him."

"I just don't get it."

Jay sat up, quickly, looking a little deranged, if I'm being honest. "He had his friends beat you up all those months ago & then he pounded on you last night because he wanted to win. But..." Jay chuckled, sadistically. "It backfired on his ass because he was disqualified for poor sportsmanship. It took the refs a few seconds to pull him off of you, so he was able to do some real damage, with you passing out & all & having to be rushed to the hospital. So...technically, no one won, which is a shame, but they'll do another fight in a few months. I doubt Willy will be competing, though."

"Wait. Wilmer had people beat me up?" I was in shock.

Jay nodded, his eyes going crazy. "Yep & get this." Jay stood up to tower over me, clearly mad about something else. "Dad is gonna help him turn his life around." Jay said, putting his hands on his hips. My mouth fell open, but I was at a loss for words. "Yea, he's gonna make sure he doesn't go to jail & he's making sure he goes to counseling for his anger issues... and... he's going to train him at Navy Street." Jay's eyebrows shot up & his mouth was a straight line.

"I can't fucking believe that

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"I can't fucking believe that. Why would Dad do that?"

"He relates to him. He had those anger issues back in the day. You remember how he used to yell at Mom & how he came close to hitting her a few times?"

"I don't remember that."

"You were a kid. I tried to keep you from hearing them fight. I was trying to protect my little brother from the bad things." Jay smirked at me & I managed a tiny smile back.

"I'm not sure how I feel about Wilmer working out in our gym. I really don't want to see him all the time." I said, laying my head back on my pillow.

Surrender to Love (Sequel to A Fighting Chance- Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now