005 Don't Blame Me...

421 39 22

Eli wasn't sure there was anything that could truly shock him anymore. After what happened, anything Cobra Kai did wouldn't come as a surprise. However, as Sam was giving the Miyagi-Dos a debrief on recent Eagle Fang activity, he found himself caught off guard, again. This time by his own girlfriend.

"Are you sure it's KT?" he heard himself ask. His mind and mouth were disconnected as his brain worked overtime to understand what they were being told.

Sam turned to him and nodded. "That's what Miguel said. He texted me about it last night asking if she'd said anything to me about it. She didn't talk to you about it?"

He shook his head. "No," he let out, voice still low, soft, somewhat timid. He thought coming back to karate would help him regain some self-confidence, but it hadn't come back. Maybe it won't ever come back, but as if that were the biggest problem right now. "This is the first I'm hearing of it."

Demetri looked puzzled. "She didn't want to join before. What changed her mind?"

Eli rubbed the top of his head, the softness of fresh growth tickling his fingers. "I might have an idea as to why..."

No one said anything further as Eli went to retrieve his phone. They were taking their break while Mr. LaRusso had to take a phone call. They had a few minutes to stand around and not talk about it.

U didn't have to join EF

He didn't expect an answer right away. If he was at the dojo, it was likely Eagle Fang was training at that moment too. He could wait for an answer, but he really didn't want to. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long.

A few minutes later, he got a response.

Yes I did

This isn't ur fight

They made it my fight when they hurt you

I'm fine

U tried to break up w/ me bc of what they did
They made u second guess urself and that's not OK

They're going to target u now
I don't want u to get hurt

They can't hurt me more than they already have
Besides ik what I'm doing
I learned from the best

Ur just saying that

I'm telling u the truth
I have to go. Sensei Lawrence is yelling about more dirty tricks 🙄

B safe pls

He didn't know if he wanted to know, but knowing Sensei Lawrence just meant it wasn't anything nice. He only hoped KT didn't get hurt in training, because also according to Miguel, the Eagle Fangs were training in an old abandoned factory. How that was allowed, he had no idea, and it came with no comforting thoughts whatsoever.


After training, Eli planned to meet with KT at her favorite smoothie shop. Apparently, it was a great middle point between wherever the Eagle Fangs trained and her house. It wasn't out of his way, for KT nothing ever was, so he didn't mind meeting her there. He ordered her favorite, a Mango Sweet Dream, and then a Blueberry Blast for himself. Then he grabbed a table for the two of them.

She joined him not long after, still in her training clothes; black leggings, red tank top, black sports jacket, and black headband. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and her face was makeup-less, showing her pink-tinted cheeks. She dropped her gym bag under the table as she slid into the seat across from him.

Can't Catch Me Now || Eli MoskowitzTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon