Normal Day..?

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LUCIFER'S POV (I'm back 😍)

I struggled to wake up from Alastor's chest, but I looked up to see Alastor was staring right down at me, making my eyes go wide before blushing.

"A-Alastor! Have you been watching me sleep?!" I said hesitantly, before pushing myself away from him. He gave his usual grin before nodding, which made me mumble curses under my breath. He stop up from the bed and went over to open the curtains. It was morning out, obviously, and I was feeling better, way better. He then went over to carry me without warning over to the bathroom. "I can walk myself.." I huffed under my breath, getting a look from him telling me to shut up. He closed the bathroom door shut, and placed me on my feet, before he let out a chuckle then a laugh. I soon realized how much shorter I was from the sink, barely able to wash my hands. I grumbled, found the nearest stool, and stood up on it. I shot a glare at Alastor knowing he was still giggling under his breath. He watched as I brushed my teeth and washed my hands, before I turned to look at him, and I stared, glaring.

"What?~" He asked, potentially trying to tease me more. I kept staring at him before my mouth opened to speak.

"Will you stop staring at me in everything I do? Or do you love me just that much?" I asked him, being the one teasing him now. I saw his ears droop down, and his cheeks turn red, as a smirk grew on the corner of my lips. 

"N-no.." He mumbled, looking away from me. I got off the stool to walk out of the bathroom, Alastor following suit behind me. I took a glance at my wardrobe and picked out my usual outfit. I peeked at the corner of my shoulder to see Alastor's eyes grown wide, as he looked away and got all flushed, making me grown a wider grin on my face, squinting my eyes at him.

"You really want to see me change, huh?~" I turned all the way to him, but got no response but silence.

"I'll turn around.." He mumbled, as he made his way turning around so now he was facing the bathroom door. I followed suit, slowly changing into my usual outfit. I took a glance and saw a pair of eyes staring right at me, but I knew he would be afraid to answer so I didn't mind.

After I was completely done changing into my regular outfit, I peeked over my shoulder, seeing Alastor's eyes were still locked on me. They were wide, and his face was flushed, his ears drooped down, and his tail was wagging. I noticed and smirked, before walking over to him with a big hug. I could barely reach his arms, so Alastor picked me up, his arms wrapped around my lower back to hold me up, as I faced him with my arms wrapped around his neck. I gave him a small kiss on the lip before I felt a hint of blush on my face. 

"So, any plans for today?~" Alastor blurted, breaking the awkward silence and tension in between us. I shook my head slowly.

"We should tell Charlie I'm better." I remembered, as along with how she'd learned about Lillith's true intentions. The best plan was to give her some time before explaining to her about the relationship with me and Alastor.

Alastor didn't respond, but just with a nod. He made his way over to my door, until a wave of thoughts came on my mind, of how Adam was being such a asshole. He could easily tell everyone or anyone about me and Alastor, and ruin Charlie's emotional state ever worse. But most importantly, Adam could tell


My mind got overstimulated until I realized we were in the lobby and Alastor had already set me down. My eyes were wide and my mind went blank. I was staring at the floor, before I looked up to notice everyone's eyes were on me. I rubbed my eyes immediately before they were back to normal again. I analyzed everyone's face, especially Charlie's. She had more of a worried look instead of angry at me for splitting up with Lillith.

"Hey guys.." I mumbled, breaking the silence.

"Dad, I needed to talk to you about something." Charlie spoke softly, making my eyes go wide before softening. I followed her into the game room that I had once went into to clear all my thoughts when Alastor had made me dinner. It was awkward that day.

"What is it..?" I asked, murmured, knowing exactly what it was.

"It's about mom.. I understand why you guys split up, is it true she really wants this hotel gone?"

"Not only that, she wants your friends gone.. And possibly me." I muttered, finally speaking the full truth. Charlie's eyes grew wide in shock, fear, and anger. I could tell that her mind mixed with emotions, but nothing came out, even with her mouth open. I saw a tear roll down her cheek, before I pulled her into a hug. I patted her back as she sobbed on my shoulder.

"There, there." I whispered, as I forced myself not to cry, but a tear rolled down from my eye. "Your girlfriend can't bare seeing you like this. Or your fellow friends." I forced a smile on my face, before wiping away her tears off her face. I brushed her hair out of her face with my hand, as she forced a grin on her face. "We'll get through this and figure this out later, alright?" I spoke, as Charlie nodded. We walked out of the game room and back into the lobby where everyone already started eating breakfast at the dining table.

There was a open seat next to Alastor, so I happily sat down next to him. I looked down to see I didn't have a plate. I looked at everyone else's, then mine again.

"I'm going to sit on the sofa, there's no more breakfast left anyway." I pushed myself out of my seat. I didn't mind not eating, but I would have enjoyed some good food to keep my mind on track. I started walking over to the sofa before Alastor tightly grabbed my arm.

"Give. Him. Food." He growled, as he glared at each and individual one of the hotel members. I was in shock, but embarrassingly sat back down, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"Okay, geez, chill big guy." Angel dust scoffed, before he stood up to fix a plate of.. Waffles. 

(He wanted pancakes Angel.. Wow. 😒)

I didn't mind anything at all, as Angel set down the plate in front of me. I hesitantly picked up the fork and started eating and taking little bites. Everyone was back to talking as usual.

"Are you alright?" Alastor spoke softly, worry in his tone. He placed his arm on my shoulder.

"I'm alright, I just wasn't really hungry." I laughed nervously. "Thank you, seriously." I gently removed his hand from my shoulder.

"Alright, ducky."

Author's note: The fact that this was wholesome and Alastor cares a lot about Lucifer's health and well being 🥺 But anyways, TYSM FOR OVER 4K VIEWS THATS SO MUCH ILY GUYSS 😭💗

I'm still sick, feeling better but my voice is broken so I can't talk 😞

(It's so preppy in here 😍)

Word count: 1231 words

𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ Duck and Deer (RadioApple) 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang