Chapter 4 - My Dare

Start from the beginning

I turned around to face Leo, wearing a teasing smile. "Besides, you're definitely jealous Justin has it, and the young models no longer give you the same reaction." I touched my forehead with the back of my hand dramatically and pretended to faint. Leo caught me in one swift, smooth movement, holding me in his arms and whispered in my ear, "We'll see about that."

I've now unleashed his competitive side tonight, and secretly, I'm praying the night won't end in tears.

One more drink later, Justin casually strolled back towards us, holding out his phone. "That was the most fun I've had in a while. They were on the verge of coming," Justin winked. I cringed a little when Justin quickly added, "They were up for a practice run for this video shoot." I was in disbelief; the girls didn't tell him to buzz off. Then again, most of the girls in here were after their five minutes of fame. What bigger kiss-and-tell story than a threesome with Justin? Hmm, I would contemplate saying yes too.

"So spill the tea, Justin. Which ones were genuinely into you? Three of them seemed to have turned their backs on you when I last checked. Did the brunette have a hint of pity in her eyes?" I cooed with faux innocence. Leo handed Justin a drink, playfully adding, "Don't pay attention to her; she's totally into you and might be a tad bit green-eyed," winking mischievously at Justin.

I could've killed Leo for the embarrassment, but instead, I shot him a smile and a look that could've been lethal. Turning to Justin, I said, "That's not what I meant. Come on, show me your video. I want to hear all about it."

Justin stood close, our heads almost touching as he held out his phone to play the video. I smoothly linked my left arm with his right, feeling the electric charge between us, and nestled my head into his shoulder. The air crackled with excitement, igniting a spark that seemed to dance between us.

Justin pressed play, skipping forward to the amusing parts. The club's music drowned out the video's sound, so Justin provided a lively commentary instead. He approached the table, audaciously asking if they wanted to help practice scenes for his upcoming music video. The catch? He needed volunteers to play his love interests, and not just one – several at the same time. I shook my head, recognising that any sane woman's alarm bells should have been ringing by now.

Three of them looked horrified, but the brunette seemed intrigued, wanting to know more. Justin continued spinning his web of lies, describing how he wanted to practice undressing her, making love, and then, to add a spicy twist, a friend would casually join in. "What the heck, Justin! Are you a genius or just really, really bad?!" I exclaimed in disbelief.

"Wait, there's more," Justin laughed with a sweetness that hinted at even more unexpected twists.

"I don't think I can watch this. I might have to slap you on their behalf!" I playfully slapped Justin on his arm, a mix of shock and amusement on my face.

"Seriously, it gets worse." We both turned our eyes back to the screen, and Justin pressed play, bracing myself for whatever outrageous antics unfolded next.

"Hey Kenz, come over here. I want to ask you a question," she called over one of the petite blondes. Kenz possessed a delicate beauty, with strikingly pretty blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires, a petite yet defined nose, and flawlessly contoured features. As the brunette explained Justin's proposition for the scene, a mix of surprise and curiosity crossed Kenz's face. Peering into her friend's eyes, she asked, inquisitively, "Are you being serious? Would you really want to...?"

The tall, stunning brunette nodded, a subtle plea in her eyes as she bit her lip. "Listen, you don't have to do much; it'll be just Justin and me for most of it," she explained, turning to Justin with a hopeful expression. "Right, Justin?" His response was a soft, "Whatever you feel comfortable with, babe." Another cringe-worthy moment unfolded, causing me to physically shrink. Justin then turned to me, wearing a confident smile. "See?" He paused the video, and I realised I was left speechless, my hand involuntarily covering my mouth. Leo, observing from the side-lines, finally broke the silence. "So, how did you leave it? I couldn't help but notice they didn't follow you back here."

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