Chapter Three

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Reiko's POV

Waking up in the hospital on a Monday morning was not how I expected to start my day.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and stretched my arms, accidentally hitting a head of hair in the process.

I look to the right side of me and see a boy with blonde shoulder-length hair sitting in the chair beside the hospital bed. It looks as if he just woke up too; I probably woke him up when I stretched, and he turned to me, giving me a closed-eye smile before speaking.

"The nurse said you have a concussion, and you needed a few stitches on your cheek." He gestures to the bandage on my face and says, "You should be able to leave later today, though." I sigh, sitting up in bed. "At least it's nothing too serious. Thank you for bringing me here; you didn't have to do that." I speak, bowing as far as I can without pain. "It's no problem; I'll tell the nurse you're awake." Mikey stands up from his chair and walks out of the hospital room.

I feel for my pockets to see if my phone is inside. Not feeling it, I look around the room before my eyes land on it, sitting on the table beside my bed. I groan, opening up my camera to see how my stitches look. "That's definitely going to scar." I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding.


It's now Wednesday. It has been two days since I left the hospital and two days since I last saw Mikey. He didn't come back after getting the nurse; I'm assuming he was just waiting to see if I woke up. I was cleared to go back to college after resting for a few days, but I couldn't sit around any longer and decided to end my resting early. After getting ready for the day, eating, brushing my teeth, and picked out my outfit, which consisted of black pants with white plaid detailing and an oversized hoodie. I walk out the door to meet with Takemichi.

"Man, having to go to school right now is harsh." He yawns mid-sentence.

"8:00 AM is way too early to be up." He slumps his shoulders.

"Good morning, Rei, Takemichi!" Hina calls from behind us,

"I don't understand how you can be so energetic this early." I groan, rubbing my face with my hands, trying to wake myself up more. "Hey, good for you guys! I'm proud you're actually headed to school on time! I'm surprised to see you go back so soon after being in the hospital, Rei." She smiles,

"Yeah, I thought I was going to die from boredom. They wanted me to lay in bed and not do anything; I think I watched Glee all the way up to season 4 again." I ranted.

"I have to go to cram school after class." Hina trails off.

"Oh, ,yeah?" Takemichi questions.

"You wanna have a date before that?" Hina asked, tucking her hands behind her back.

"C'mon, guys, get a room," I say, playfully shoving Takemichi.

Ignoring me, Takemichi answers Hina's question.

"Well, sure! But... can you really call that a date, though?"

"Sure! Even going to school together is sort of a date." Hina sighs,

"Ah, man, I sure do wish we were all in the same class, though."


The school day felt extra long today. Maybe it's because I'm still healing, or maybe it's because I just, really, do not care about the history of... well...I actually can't remember; that's how boring it is.

"What school are you bastsards from?" "Get the hell out of here, both of you."

There's shouting coming from outside the school room. Takemichi and I are in the same class.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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