2. Cleaning Up, ButterCup

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The long blaring beeping of an alarm clock had caused the sleeping man to awaken. His black hair was tangled and a mess while he laid in bed. His arm quickly moved to hit the stop button on his alarm. A loud drawn out groan left his lips while his other arm moved up, a hand laced in-between his black hair. He felt the top of his head, where his iconic dark blue LAFD beanie would usually sit, yet, it wasn't there since he didn't sleep with it on. He groggily sat up. His hands moved to his face to rub the sleep out his eyes.

Once his eyes were clear and open fully enough to not fall back asleep he grabbed his phone.

"An hour till work..." a low grumble escaped his throat. He swung his legs over the side of his bed until he eventually stood up. While on his way out his room he saw himself in the mirror, so he stopped then looked at himself. While looking at himself in the mirror he noticed how his hair had gotten far too long, it reached his shoulders now. It was straight, but a mess and extremely tangled due to lack of care. His slightly tanned skin looked as if it was glowing this morning. He wore a plain white t-shirt with loose baggy grey sweatpants. He smiled to himself before remembering his beanie. He walked back over, now to his desk and reached over to grab his beanie. He gazed at the mirror from further back and put it on. He still looked a mess, but at least his hair was sorted...sorta?

Soon he cooked himself a fine breakfast. Some eggs and bacon sizzled on the frying pan while he danced around the small kitchen to the sound of music coming from his phone. This song was one of his absolute favourite.The song was named 'O Sol E A Lua'. The song was addictive to Alex. The story behind it enticed him like a nice scent. His feet just narrowly avoided tripping over himself while he hummed the tune to the song that was sung in Portuguese.

The smell of cooked bacon filled the room, but Alex was far too engrossed in the lyrics that told a story to notice whatever he was cooking was now burning.

"Disse, não sei, não sei, não sei
Me dá um tem-"
The sound a loud blaring fire alarm followed by the scent of burning bacon and eggs stunk. He froze for a second while the sweet song played out loud not caring if the kitchen was practically about to set aflame.
Panic set in. He rushed to grab a cloth then frantically pressed it against the tiny flame. Though incredibly stupid, it did work. But now the cloth was slightly burnt. He sighed feeling relieved he didn't burn down his whole apartment complex all because he was caught up in a song and dance.

After eating his burnt bacon and rubber eggs he got changed into a white shirt, Nike dark blue hoodie with two white stripes on each sleeve, black shorts and of course he still wore his beanie. He didn't bother brushing his teeth, nor did he remember to take his antidepressants that sat unopened on his unit for around two and a half weeks now. He had been meaning to take them but convinced himself he was sane enough to make it another day without a few small worthless pills.

And so he set off to work with his shop keys in hand, occasionally twirling them around carelessly on his index finger while humming whatever tune he had blasting through his headphones.
The crisp, slightly warm, morning air was pleasant. He much preferred it over the unbearably warm California summer sun that would scorch you alive if you so much so dared to wear a hoodie out.

The streets happened to be fairly quiet at this hour. I mean, who's sick enough to get up and out of bed at half 5 am in this city. Most people would just be heading to bed after a long night of hookers, cocaine and binge drinking as if the world would end the next again day. The only people to walk these streets currently were a dog walker, a stray jogger, another man going to work and of course Alex. He passed by some beautiful yellow buttercups, they looked very pretty in the wild on the small patch of grass next to the road. He smiled and kept walking.

As he approached the flower shop he noticed something off...some soil was scattered along the pavement leading up to the shop. Alex had his head down for most of his walk so he didn't immediately notice the full extent of this madness that was about to unfold.

He looked at the soil trail then finally found himself looking at his shop...it had been vandalised. A stupid name spray painted onto the beautiful vibrant walls along with the outside plants knocked over and trampled. Rage built up. He didn't exactly have the money to hire someone to clean this mess up.

"More work, huh." He was practically seething with anger by this point. He ripped off his headphones only to carelessly shove them into his bag. He held his key with a tight grasp then opened up the shop door. Luckily enough, the inside was completely untouched from yesterday.

He turned around to look outside before whispering under his breath, "Must've been some drunk teens..." though annoyed he couldn't help but crack a small smile ws he remembered his younger days. To be fair, be was still young but thinking about when he was legally a child with his friends getting into trouble and overall just being a little shit...yeah, he missed it sometimes.
He chose to put those thoughts aside so he could try and find something to clean up front.

His morning was filled with scrubbing the walls clean until his fingers bled or nails broke. His hands were all wrinkly from the constant moisture of water the sponge leaked everywhere. He managed to get most of it off and cleaned up the soil on the floor with a brush. He ended up throwing away those flowers that had been walked over like a door matt.

His shop looked better. It was still slightly damaged but it was looking alot better than before.

As the hours passed full of low business sales and a bit more of cleaning Alex decided to go ahead and relax. He grabbed his phone, his thumbs caressing the slightly cracked screen.
He smiled while looking over to his headphones that peaked out his bag. He put his phone down for a minute as he got up to fetch his headphones. Once he got them he came back to the counter before contacting them to his Bluetooth.

Soon music filled his earphones. He hummed the soft tune in a different language while his eyes scanned the peaceful flower shop scene.
He sighed. Today would be a low day it seemed...as always.

"Maybe I'll have more luck tomorrow."

Another short chapter for now. This is supposed to be a short enough book with more of a simplic story rather than a big important peice of literature.

I'll try update soon🌻💛

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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Apr 15 ⏰

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