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Established relationships, Smut, Explicit sexual content, Barebacking, Spit as lube, Spit kink, Praise kink, Possessive behavior, Finer sucking, Jealousy, Anal sex, Boys in skirts, Recreational drug use(weed), hinted ot8


Changbin was a fair person. He liked to think so anyway. He'd share his music, ideas, and secrets. Nothing was ever kept quiet. He was truly a room made of pure glass walls.

But when it came to Bang Chan, maybe he wasn't as fair as he liked to think…. He didn't enjoy sharing Chan. He just liked Chan to be with him and only him. Needed his attention somenly on him. Only him, really.



Changbin was a fair person. He liked to think so anyway. He'd share his music, ideas, and secrets. Nothing was ever kept quiet. He was truly a room made of pure glass walls. 

He wasn't a selfish person. He knew that. Sure, there were times when one of his friends would ask for money or food or just anything he had, he'd say ‘no’ as he's handing over everything he could.

He was every bit of the word selfless as one could get, his friends made sure he knew it as well, but as he stared down through the one-sided window of the club he was at nightly, eyes tracing the figure of a man dressed in minimal clothes that left little to the imagination. 

As time ticked, muscles tightened across his chest as the man who enjoyed testing his patience daily looked up directly in his direction. He couldn't see Changbin with bare eyes, but he knew he was standing there. Watching him. 

It was routine that Chan knew. 

And as they made that eye contact, Changbin wondered just how far his selflessness could reach. But that seemed to be Chan's goal of the nights he attended the club with Changbin. To see how greedy he could make Changbin. 

Changbin liked a game, though, and even as greedy as he could be, he'd let others place dirty hands upon the waist that belonged to him. Made Chan wait a little longer because the longer he waited, the more needy he was. And Changbin loved it. 


Changbin would have been annoyed at anybody else dragging his attention from his lover, but this was Hwang Hyunjin, and Hyunjin just wasn't a ‘somebody’. He, along with a few others, were high up the list of ‘things Changbin was greedy about’. 

There were still a few things that Changbin was selfish about… not just Bang Chan.

“Hyung,” Hyunjin had whined when there was a lack of response or movement from Changbin, but he would only finally hum out his acknowledgment when Hyunjin had complained a third time. 

If he were being honest, he hadn't been paying much attention to the boys around him. His attention had been pretty occupied when he stepped into the room without Chan, since from the second they arrived, he had wanted to dance, which led to separation. 

An hour of just standing, Changbin heard a knock at the door and without a second of time to acknowledge, the door burst open and in ran Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin with a simple ‘we were overwhelmed’ and they went to play a game of truth or dare that Changbin wasn't that all into. However, that didn't stop them from asking Changbin the question, and he'd cave – weak for his friends, especially the youngest ones.

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