Too Good To Say (Ben Tennyson x Rook Blonko)

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Raindrops smack against the glass of the window as Rook Blonko lies in bed, amber eyes trained on none other than Ben Tennyson. The other plumber sits on the edge of the bed watching the new live action adaptation of Sumo Slammers. Normally, Ben would be ranting about how different it is than the original cartoon, but today is not a normal day. In fact, it doesn't seem as if Ben is paying attention to the show at all, just blankly staring at the television but not really consuming the media in front of him.

Meanwhile, Rook just watches Ben, a soft smile gracing his lips. They got into a terrible skirmish with Khyber earlier that morning and lost him, but not before the accomplished hunter managed to stab one of his many blades through Rook's shoulder. Thankfully, he's bandaged up and recovering well, but he would be stupid not to realize how upset Ben is that they've let Khyber escape yet again. Rook is frustrated that Khyber got away, though more than anything, he's glad that Ben made it out unscathed- that they're both okay.

Rook sighs. The movement of Ben's shoulder blades against the back of his jacket, the steady rise and fall of his back as he breathes, the way he slightly ruffles his own hair to calm himself down, it's all reassuring in a way that Rook never thought it would be when the two of them first became partners.

Rook thought he was in love when he met Rayona, because she loved him. She was kinder than his parents, and she was stronger than his friends. The attention she gave him, the admiration he felt for her, it all mixed into a disjointed infatuation that he had foolishly assumed was love. The validation she provided was exciting. The love she had for him was the only love he knew.

But Ben, Ben is different. Ben is interesting and self-centered and altruistic; a cacophony of contradicting qualities that make Rook's heart flutter with excitement whenever they're together. The feelings he has for Ben are more than the intense infatuation he'd become accustomed to on Revonnah, because Ben isn't perfect and doesn't present himself as such. He's strong in many ways and weak in others. He's kind and caring, but inconsiderate and selfish. He's authentically himself. He doesn't care about how others perceive him. He's beautiful, yet so incredibly frustrating, too. He's nothing like the cool, collected, muscular, bold hero he's presented as in all of the rip-off television shows, badly drawn posters, and dramatized stories. And Rook still loves him despite all of it, because the good qualities outweigh the bad ones, even when Ben is at his worst.

Suddenly, Ben snaps out of his trance and breaks his eyes from Sumo Slammers. He scoots to sit next to Rook on the bed, staring down at him with his jade eyes. Rook averts his gaze, heart thumping against his chest.

"How're you holding up, buddy?" Ben asks and places a hand on Rook's arm. Rook can never tell if the touches are romantic or not, but he always accepts them without question. He craves them, even; desperately wants the heat of them to burn the fur off of his skin and leave a scar in its wake- for it to stay there forever, in one way or another. Ben's fingers brush through his fur. Rook isn't prone to leaving it uncovered, mostly wearing a full suit of armor with gloves and boots to keep himself safe. Following his injury, however, Ben insisted he shower and change into clean clothes after having his stab wound tended to, so now he's in a tank-top and sweatpants that are a little too short for his long body. His worn clothes sit abandoned in a pile by Ben's bedroom door. "Rook?"

"Oh," Rook starts. Ben's hand lingers a little too long, trailing up his arm before Ben finally pulls it away, careful to avoid touching anywhere near Rook's wrapped injury. "I am fine, thank you for asking."

"I'm going after Khyber."

Rook tilts his head to the side, baffled. He knows Ben is serious based on the tone of his voice. Still... Khyber is dangerous and Ben has been cornered by the huntsman multiple times now. Ben going by himself wouldn't just be risky, it'd be stupid.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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