Chapter 10...When Hell Freezes Over

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But Rose did not appreciate his "gratitude," as he called it, for her existence. "Go to hell, Potter."

"Why would I, when I'm already in heaven with you, darling?" Harry noticed the girl eyeing the treacle tart on his plate that he had scooped up before the rest of his table finished up the rest and subtly pushed the dish over to her.

Unable to resist, she grabbed a clean fork and dug into the dessert. However, there was no way in hell she was thanking him after that comment. "You really are something else," she muttered as she quietly moaned at the sweet hint of golden syrup on her tongue.

Needless to say, Harry nearly melted at the sound. Swallowing down a noise all of his own, he set aside his less than respectable thoughts that would make Severus Snape pink in the face. Harry had more important matters to attend to at the moment. Pouting his lips, he pleaded, "See, you think I'm special! So go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend?"

Rose rolled her eyes and just ignored his begging, the girl continuing to shove food down her throat.

"Roseeee," he whined, but she would not budge. "Come on, please!!" he implored. His pleas were met with radio silence.

"Yeah, come on, Stevens," Ron intervened. "Put us all out of our misery and just give the poor lad a chance, yeah?" He was sampling all the decadent dishes lining the table, including those on his mates' plates, thus prompting Hermione to swat his hand away when he tried to steal a crisp from her.

In spite of their incessant whining, Rosemary refused to give into their childish behavior. "I'll go out with you, Potter," she said flatly as she rose from her seat and began to make her way toward the Hufflepuff table. While Hermione and Ron's jaws dropped to the floor in shock, Harry pumped his fist in the air and prepared to whoop and holler immediately after she left earshot. But the blonde called out over her shoulder with a wicked expression on her face: "When hell freezes over."

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Weeks flew by and the Christmas holidays were quickly nearing. The grounds of Hogwarts transformed into a winter wonderland, with a blanket of snow covering the expansive lawns and towering trees. The crisp air was filled with the scent of pine, and the lake shimmered like a sheet of glass, reflecting the pale winter sun. Students bundled up in scarves and mittens could be seen building snowmen or engaging in friendly snowball fights, adding a festive cheer to the already magical atmosphere.

Rosemary was now heading up the grand staircase to the Owlery platform overlooking the grounds of Hogwarts to send a letter to her little brother Ollie. As she reached the top, she paused to take in the breathtaking view: the snow-capped towers of the castle, the twinkling lights lining the pathways, and the distant silhouette of the Forbidden Forest dusted with snow. The air was crisp and invigorating, carrying the promise of the holiday season. With a smile, Rosemary penned her message to Ollie, her beloved baby brother.

There were few people in this world whom Rosemary loved unconditionally, but Ollie Stevens was certainly one of them. In her adolescence, Rose grew accustomed to the feeling of being alone. Her mother passed away when she was just seven years old, and her father was well and alive but always cold and distant. She did not expect nor receive gifts or even cards from her dad. It was not as though he did not love her; he certainly did. But ever since her mother's passing from cancer, he had been an empty shell of himself, cool and removed. He spent most of his time on the sofa watching television or reading the newspaper without so much as glancing up to look at his children for more than a mere second. And Rose loved him, she did, but she had a little brother, only three years younger to care for.

Ollie Stevens was a peculiar child. He was rather shy, unlike his older sister, and he did not have many friends. But Rose loved him dearly. She would protect him at any and all costs. If someone at school were bothering him, she would be the first to throw a punch (despite her small stature). He was everything to her: a beam of light in the eternal darkness that was her home life.

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