Everything's Different

Start from the beginning

"If you don't know how to apparate, then how did you get here?" I ask turning towards Astoria.

"The house elf, Dobby, I believe, brought us. But he just left and now we have no way back." Astoria begins to panic.

"Ok..... Mattheo grab my hand, you and me are the weakest ones here, meaning we need to stay together. Draco, Theo, Pansy, Enzo, Astoria, you all make a chain off of Riddles hand. Astoria I'm going to need your wand." Astoria gives me her wand and everyone lines up making a chain as I said. Everyone's ready now.

"Ok, on three I'm going to apparate us all back to the common room. One. T-" my mother appears from the door frame.

"What are you doing little girl! Come back here!" She shouts, running down the many flights of stairs.

"Three!" I shout and away we went.

Once we get back everyone turns to me.

"Lucy." Enzo says.

"Where in hell did you learn how to apparate?" Theo shouts.

"Yeah, I thought you went to Beauxbatons?" Everyone nods in unison.

"Ok, it's a long story. So sit down." I sit on the couch and everyone does the same spreading out throughout the common room couches. Everyone except Pansy. She just walks off to one of her friends that I don't care to know.

"Alright, where do I start." I say and Draco scoffs.

"Where do you start? How about where you learned how to apparate?" I nod and begin.

"Ok, really I've been to every school around here, some bigger schools like Durmstrang and Beauxbatons, some smaller, which Im not going to bother naming since you're not going to know them. Anyways, my father and I were always travelling somewhere new every year. So I never really had a school I could call my own. When my dad, professor Snape, got the job here, we found a home that I could call home. Although he stayed at the job here I still went from Beauxbatons, to Durmstrang, then here this year. Anyways, I came here not really knowing anyone and expecting to absolutely hate it. But then I met you guys and I knew I found my school. And as well as being here, I've found out that my whole life, was a lie. But that's a story for another time. Now that you know my school life, any questions?" I'm on the verge of tears when Mattheo gets up and, to my surprise, hugs me, tight.

"I'm so sorry, love" he whispers into my hair just loud enough for me to hear. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. He let's go and everyone stands there in shock. Mattheo starts to head to bed but just before he reaches the stairs he shouts.

"I'll pick you up at your dorm at 8:00p.m. sharp, darling. A dress is required. Goodnight love, goodnight everyone else." He heads up the stairs before I can say anything. I turn to see everyone else staring at the stairs then back at me. Nobody spoke.

"What exactly just happened?" Draco finally spoke giving me a confused look.

"Yeah, that. Heh, me and Mattheo may, or may not, have a date tomorrow night. But it's only as a thank you for saving our lives. And because when I had a panic attack, he kinda kissed me to calm me down, but I told him it wasn't quite enjoyable given the situation. So I told him if he wanted me to enjoy the kiss he would have to take me out to a fancy dinner. So that's exactly what I owe him." Astoria looked astonished. Then she looked to Draco.

"Pay up dumbos." She said to the boys. They all grunted and handed her ten galleons.

"You guys made a bet on us?" I laugh a little.

"No, I made a bet that you would go on a date with Mattheo. These suckers said you wouldn't. Said that you weren't his type. Now look who's rich!" She waved the galleons in the boys' faces.

"Well, I'm heading to bed, goodnight darling." Astoria kissed Draco on the cheek, which she evidently hadn't done before as Draco looked as if he enjoyed it but also didn't expect it. His cheeks instantly became cherry red.

I follow her only to find my dorm once again locked, and our spare key outside the room gone. I begin to head back to the common room when someone picks me up from behind.

"What the-! What are you doing! Put me down!" I whisper shout. Only to no avail. I finally give up as we reach Mattheo's dorm. He gently placed me on his bed before going to the other side and laying next to me. I'm still sitting up as straight as can be before he pulls the covers out and makes me lay down on the bed. He wraps his arm around me pulling me in closer.

"Is this included in the deal?" I whisper sarcastically.

"Mhm." He says as he cuddles closer to me. I roll my eyes before closing them realizing that I'm not getting out of this.

I fall asleep and he does the same, except, I wonder what it would be like to have this every night. To fall asleep feeling safe and secure, and most importantly, to fall asleep feeling loved.

Aaannnndd that's a wrap! Hope you enjoyed! Also, sooo srrry for not posting new chapters in a little bit! I just physically have not had time. Anyways, pls don't forget to comment what you think should happen next, vote for new chapters, and follow me to never miss when I post new chapters! That's all byyyee chicos!

P.s. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! I am now on YouTube! I won't post very often, but I do post! Sadly I'm not on tiktok and I most likely will not ever be. Anyways, you can find me using the same username/screen name as I do on here.

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