Off The Races

35 7 5

Book: Off to the races

Author: @selasieat


I really liked your blurb, it was short but very intriguing. The preference however felt cloudy to me. If you wanted to project is into the story make the blurb look wider, it can be dark yes, but write it in a less narrow style. As from the first chapter, I realized you're fun of combining two punctuation marks and though I believe you wish to put more effects on the conversation, I believe it isn't necessary.

As for what concerns describing Aaliyah emotions, you did it well, but somehow you made me feel like she was a spoiled brat and that is good for readers to have a specific opinion wether negative or positive about your story.

As I read through, I saw that Ethan and Aaliyah had the same mindset, the same spirit, but I felt like their meeting was made in a hurry. There is less of valid reason that made them to leave what they had in search of something, anything better. However, as I read through I started feeling the magic, the spark, because though in the chapters where they met you spoke of things I didn't really see it . To add, I really appreciate chapter 10. The writing was palpable, the description well made and you could see Aaliyah in the eyes of Ethan and in his eyes she felt less of a brat, more of a lady with flaws and an amazing soul.

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