Rosy Fruit Punch🥤

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Ingredients :

      * 1 can of pineapple juice 🍍
      * 1 can of grape fruit / apple juice
      * 3/8  orange squash / juice 🍊
      * juice of 3 lemons 🍋
      * juice of 2 fresh oranges 🍊
      * I orange ( thinly Sliced), 🍊
      * cherry-flavoured drink mix /                   cherry aid 🍒
      * ice cubes ( optional) 🧊

( note: A lot of people think that orange squash is just a squashed orange but that's not the case. It is actually  a concentrated syrup or liquid that is diluted with water to make a refreshing orange-flavored drink. It's a popular beverage choice, especially during warmer months, and is often enjoyed chilled. Orange squash can be purchased ready-made in bottles or prepared at home using orange juice concentrate, sugar, and water.)

Instructions :

1.Pour pineapple juice, apple or grapefruit juice, orange squash, freshly squeezed orange juice, and lemon juice into a jug.

2.Mix the juices thoroughly.

3.Add the cherry aid to the mixture and stir until fully combined.

4.Add sliced oranges for visual appeal and a delightful texture.

5.Serve the fruit punch chilled or over ice for enhanced refreshment.

6.Enjoy your delicious and vibrant rosy fruit punch!

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