*Burnt Out*

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Nicks POV

The last few weeks have been rough...I feel so burnt out and I don't know why. A lot has happened but I've been handling it I guess...I started editing but I felt so tired. "Nick...I made you some chicken nuggets" Matt said bringing a plate of them up to me.

"Yeah thanks" i Said not taking my eyes off of the screen. "Nick c'mon...you haven't eaten for days" Matt said rubbing my back "I'll eat it just I'm busy right now" I said clicking away.

Matt walked out and honestly I purposely let the nuggets go cold. I appreciate what Matt and Chris do for me and I don't want them to think I'm being rude I'm really just not hungry at all.

I don't know why I've been feeling like this lately. I just feel so burnt out and there's no reason for me to actually feel this way. Matt and Chris have it way harder than me,Matt and his anxiety then Chris with his depression. I'm just being dramatic.

"Nick are you alright?" Chris came in placing his hand on my back,his eyes trailing to the nuggets that were now cold. "I'm fine" I muttered half asleep on my desk. "If your going to sleep then how about you lay dow? Your desk isn't the most comfortable place is it sweetheart?" Chris said.

"No..." I said forcing myself to be awake again,Chris just sat next to me and Matt came in. "Nick? You didn't eat anything..." he said "I know I'm sorry..." I said. "Sweetie you need something in your stomach okay? We can't leave you with an empty stomach" Matt said running his hand through my hair.

"I'm not hungry" I said Matt and Chris looked at each other with a worried look. "Guys I'm serious I'm not hungry at all" I said as I posted our video on our YouTube. I started going through the tabs on my computer and my eyes were just scrolling through everything.

I got a call from Justin and screamed as my phone started ringing. I anwsered It. "Hey buddy Matt and Chris said you were going through a hard time? Do you wanna talk about it?" As soon as Justin said that I hung out.

I walked downstairs to Matt and Chris they just looked at me. "Why did you tell Justin!?" I said raising my voice "Because Nick! You won't open up to us so maybe Justin can help?" Chris said. "NO! YOU'VE JUST MADE IT WORSE! I WOULD'VE GOTTEN BETTER ON MY OWN BUT YOU HAD TO BRING JUSTIN INTO THIS! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT?!" I shouted going back up to my room.

I Fell to the floor as tears fell out of my eyes,I could barely breathe I didn't want Justin to know. Justin takes these things far to seriously I'm fine...I calmed down by taking some pills,I didn't know if they'd work but it did for now.

I sat on my bed staring at the wall until Justin came in. "Hey buddy" he said as Chris and Matt appeared worried,I looked at them but didn't hold eye contact with them. "Guys I'm fine seriously..." I said looking down at my hands,Justin hugged me but gasped.

"You been eating?" He asked "No he hasn't we've tried everything..." Matt said. "I can tell. Nick you've lost a lot of weight..." Justin said,damn that helps with me accepting my body. "Guys I'm fine there's literally nothing wrong" I said,they all looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Nick. Your pale as fuck you don't look well at all your not fine. Your far from fine" Matt said sitting next to me. I sighed. Matt laid me down and hugged me as he started playing with my hair,honestly it took a lot off of my shoulders.

For some reason I felt calm. I wasn't under an overwhelming feeling of anxiety or depression,I felt relaxed? "There you go sweetheart..." Matt said "Just relax okay? Theres no need to feel so under pressure all the time" Chris said.

Matts POV

I kept playing with nicks hair knowing it calms him down a lot. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about him because I am I really am. He hasn't been himself these past weeks and it's so worrying,he's been hiding away in his room for the past 2 weeks.

If he carries on this cycle he's going to end up killing himself. He hasn't eaten for 2 weeks I'm pretty sure he just sleeps away the hunger pains or does random editing.

Justin looked at me then looked at Nick who was asleep on my chest. Me and Chris just smiled at each other since we know he hasn't slept for the past week.

"Is he hurting you at all?" Justin asked about to move Nick I pushed his hand away. "Don't you fucking dare." I said staring at him "He's fine where he is leave him" I said holding nicks hand. "Okay my bad" Justin said holding his hands up in Defense as Chris was snickering "Chris if you fucking wake him up I will tare your arms off of your shoulders." I threatened.

Chris shut up.

A few hours went by until nick woke up "Good morning sweetheart how did you sleep?" I asked he looked up at me. "Better than I have..." he said "that's good should we try and eat something?" I asked he nodded.

I brought Nick downstairs and made some dinner for all of us. "Sorry about everything...the random burst outs I've just been so burnt out lately..." Nick spoke. Chris hugged him "we know sweetheart." Chris said,Justin just looked at us and smiled.

I sat next to Nick as I gave everyone their food. Nick had a 2 minute staring contest with his food before I placed my hand on top of his. "Nick please...your body needs something to eat. It's okay alright? Gaining weight don't mean anything you should be happy to have the body you have. Ignore the haters your perfect okay?" I said as he started eating.

I smiled. After 20 minutes I saw his plate was empty. "Well done sweetheart" I said putting his plate in the sink,Nick went to wash the dishes but I stopped him. "No. Chris clean them up" I said as Chris cleaned them.

I took Nick upstairs and put on a film. "CHRISSSS" I shouted as Chris came running upstairs "Sit your ass down we're having a movie night" I said as Nick sat in the middle.

"You guys need me to stay?" Justin said laughing "YES! COME JOIN US" Nick shouted making us all laugh. Justin sat down with us and we all just hung out.

"As bros" Chris Said.

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